Invisible Wall Tool - nZombies-Time/nZombies-Rezzurrection GitHub Wiki

Invisible Wall Creator

The Invisible Walls are square walls that have variable size and are easily created by selecting 3 corners' positions. The Invisible Walls created from this are more suitable for large-scale blocking that aligns with the map. These Invisible Blocks cannot rotate and are limited to the alignment of the map. For a prop-based invisible wall that can be rotated freely, see the Invisible Block Spawner tool. This tool does not require Advanced Mode and does not gain any extra options from it

The tool's interface

The tool's interface.

Interface and Options

  • Preview Config

When enabled, shows you what your map will look like ingame. Prevents invisible walls from being drawn.

Tool and Controls

  • Left Click: Place Corners, third corner creates the actual wall.
  • Right Click: Remove any Invisible Wall within a tiny range of the hit position.
  • Reload: Cancel any current corner placements to retry.

Tips and Tricks

  • Invisible Walls can be of any size, making them much more suitable for large-scale world-aligned blocking.
  • Zombies also collide with these Invisible Walls.
  • Invisible Blocks can be used to make it impossible to jump over certain objects by encasing them.


The Zombie Spawnpoint entity

Using Invisible Walls to make it impossible to get into a zombie spawn point created from an unused open area.


Invisible Walls can currently be grabbed by the Physgun but will not function properly and will not save on modified angles!