Finding Conflicts and Known Incompatibilities - nZombies-Time/nZombies-Rezzurrection GitHub Wiki

Some addons may block critical hooks that are used by this gamemode. Hooks are functions that are run on certain events, but any of these returning anything prevents any other hook from running afterwards. This means that stuff will not work without causing errors. Firstly, here is a list of all known addons that cause conflicts with this gamemode. If you find any more, be sure to add them to this list.

Known Incompatibilities

Addon Hook Effect
Playable Piano InstrumentChairModelHook Prevents buying doors and certain other entities.
Black Ops Teaser Weapon Pack N/A Prevents switching weapons.
Enhanced Stealth Mod hlPickupItem Prevents HUD from showing.
Manual Weapon Pickup N/A Prevents starting weapons and creative tools.
Damage Numbers N/A Prevents getting points from zombies, and prevents damage scaling.
Life Mod N/A Prevents getting points from zombies.

Finding conflicts

A list of hooks can be put into the console by putting this into it:

lua_run PrintTable(hook.GetTable())

Use this list to look for hooks that are not related to nZombies. You'll want to look for those under the category that relates to the issue. Here's a quick reference for what hooks are the most common to have trouble with.

Hook Related Effects
PlayerUse Related to pressing E on stuff.
FindUseEntity Which entity is being triggered with E.
CreateMove Related to movement (Panzerclaw grab, downed movement block).
HUDPaint HUD Elements
EntityTakeDamage Handling Zombie damage, including points and damage scaling.

After finding a hook you may think could be the cause, try to figure out which addon might have named their hooks like this, disable it, and retry the gamemode. If you found a culprit, add it to this list so we can keep track of incompatibilities. Be sure to put which addon it is from, what the hook is called, and what it prevents from working.