Update - n49/N49-Data-Api-Documentation GitHub Wiki


The UPDATE request is used when an existing Listing on n49.ca is to be updated by a partner who has already claimed this business via ADD.


Property Value
Method PUT
URL http://data-api.n49.ca/businesses/update

Content-Type: application/json

The JSON representation of the Listing being added.

Only send an UPDATE request for a listing whose status is ACTIVE (i.e., the listing's bID is associated with a business you've already claimed).


Status Codes

Status Code Condition Example Cause
200 OK The ADD operation was processed successfully and committed to durable storage, if appropriate.
400 BAD REQUEST You sent a malformed request.
404 NOT FOUND The specified listing does not exist on our site.
409 BLOCKED You cannot create the Listing. The location's listing is already associated with another advertiser.
5xx SERVER ERROR Temporary error -- try again later. Server outage, etc.


A JSON document containing:

Field Description
status The current status of the Listing. One of: LIVE: The Listing is fully activated according to the standards. REJECTED - The Listing did not pass our validation. BLOCKED - We cannot create the Listing.
id The bID for the new Listing. If the listing already exists on the site, bID will match that listing's ID in the system.
url The URL where the listing can be seen on the site
issues List of issues that are causing the status to be BLOCKED or REJECTED