Suppress - n49/N49-Data-Api-Documentation GitHub Wiki


This call allows you to suppress duplicate or invalid listings. If a listing is SUPPRESSed, we will remove the listing from your search results. Going to the SUPPRESSed listing's URL should result in either a 404 error or a redirect to the listing specified in canonicalListingId.


Property Value
Request method POST

Content-type: application/json The request will be a JSON document with the following properties.

Name Required? Description
bID Yes The bID that should be suppressed
status Yes A boolean value: true, if the listing should be suppressed
canonicalListingId Yes The bID of the listing that the suppressed listing URL should redirect to
reason No A human-provided explanation of the suppression. For example, "Invalid listing, identified by client"


We will only return a status code indicating success or failure.

Status Codes

Status Code Condition
200 OK You successfully recorded the suppression.
400 BAD REQUEST You sent a malformed request.
404 NOT FOUND The specified listing does not exist.
409 CONFLICT The listing is blocked for business reasons.
5xx SERVER ERROR Temporary error -- You should try again later. Server outage, etc.