Reviews - n49/N49-Data-Api-Documentation GitHub Wiki
NOTE: Any reproduction of reviews accessed by this API is strictly forbidden. This rule can be ignored under very specific situations with written permission by
Property | Value |
Method | GET |
URL | |
Name | Required? | Description | Example |
api_key | Yes | The API Key Provided by n49 | |
bID | Yes | The listing bID on n49 | 888303 |
num | No | The number of reviews to return | 10 |
before | No | An ISO-8601 date-time that filters results to those reviews posted before this time (exclusive). If not specified, no filter is applied. | 2012-09-16T13:15:53Z |
property | No | The name of the property to return reviews from. If not specified, reviews from all properties will be returned. | n49 |
pagination | No | The number of reviews to be returned per page. Using pagination helps speed up queries for businesses with a large quantity of reviews. | 20 |
page | No | The page number of the response. With pagination set to 20 a page value of 1 would return reviews 1 through 20, page 2 would return reviews 21 through 40. | 1 |
Note: Properties currently available are n49, gopro, autostars, celebrate, and reviewmanager. reviewmanager filters reviews that have been assigned to the businesses website specifically
Status Codes
Status Code | Condition |
200 OK | Successfully returned the specified reviews. |
400 BAD REQUEST | You sent a malformed request. |
404 NOT FOUND | The requested Listing does not exist. |
5xx SERVER ERROR | Temporary error -- You should try again later Server outage, etc. |
The response body is a JSON document containing a list of reviews in reverse chronological order (i.e., newest first).
Name | Type | Description |
total | Integer | Total number of reviews on the listing, overall. This might be larger than the number of reviews returned. |
rating | Float | The average rating across all reviews for this listing |
maxRating | Integer | The maximum possible rating (e.g., 5) |
reviews | List of Reviews | A list of num Review objects, respecting the filter specified in before and sorted in reverse chronological order |