rutorrent openvpn - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

rTorrent + ruTorrent + OpenVPN

Docker container for rTorrent + ruTorrent with integrated OpenVPN client.

It is based on the latest CentOS docker image:

What does this image?

The container connects at startup during the boot process to the OpenVPN service of your choice. After the OpenVPN client connected successfully, the rTorrent and FloodUI service will startup.


Installed plugins

The followinng plugins are installed:

Special: autodl-irssi

  • _getdir
  • _noty
  • _task
  • autotools
  • check_port
  • chunks
  • cookies
  • cpuload
  • create
  • data
  • datadir
  • diskspace
  • edit
  • erasedata
  • extsearch
  • feeds
  • filedrop
  • geoip
  • httprpc
  • ipad
  • loginmgr
  • ratio
  • retrackers
  • rss
  • rssurlrewrite
  • rutracker_check
  • scheduler
  • seedingtime
  • source
  • theme
  • throttle
  • tracklabels
  • trafic
  • unpack

Installed themes

The following themes are pre-installed:

  • Agent34
  • Agent46
  • OblivionBlue
  • MaterialDesign
  • FlatUI_Dark
  • FlatUI_Light (default)
  • FlatUI_Material
  • QuickBox

Install instructions


Login: rtorrent : rtorrent (Basic Auth)

Docker volumes

The following volumes will get mounted:

  • /opt/appdata/rutorrent-openvpn:/config
  • /mnt/incomplete/rutorrent-openvpn:/output/incomplete
  • /mnt/downloads/rutorrent-openvpn:/output/complete

OpenVPN configuration

Prepare an OpenVPN configuration of your choice. An automated login by username/password is also possible with the "user-pass-auth" parameter in the client.conf

Should no configuration be present at the first run, an example config will be deployed at the mounted /config folder which can be edited.

The OpenVPN service will be verified every 60s. If it's not running anymore it will restart the connection.

If not done already, deploy or modify the OpenVPN client.conf at /opt/appdata/rutorrent-openvpn/vpn

docker restart rtorrent-rutorrent-openvpn

Verify OpenVPN status

In "/opt/appdata/rutorrent-openvpn/my-external-ip.txt" the current external ip address can be found. The file will be updated every 60s.

Sonarr Support

You can use Sonarr with this client as well. Configure your Sonarr with the following params:

Name: rutorrent-openvpn
Enable: Yes
Host: rutorrent-openvpn
Port: 80
URL Path: /rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php
Username & Password: rtorrent : rtorrent


This docker container supports tagging when feeding new torrents.

If a tag is set, the torrent will be copied to the following location once it's finished:


If no tag is set, the default location is:


Configuration files

Several configuration files will be deployed to the mounted /opt/appdata/rutorrent-openvpn/ folder:

Folder Description
rutorrent/* ruTorrent config folder for persistence
rtorrent/* rtorrent.rc, session data, *.torrent files, etc.
vpn/* vpn default config / user config

ruTorrent default settings

The default login for FloodUI is rtorrent : rtorrent

The configured socket is /config/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket

rTorrent default settings

ruTorrent specific

execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/rutorrent/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php rtorrent &}

Listening port for incoming peer traffic

network.port_range.set = 23877-23877
network.port_random.set = no

Check the hash after the end of the download

check_hash = yes

Enable DHT (for torrents without trackers)

dht = auto
dht_port = 6881
peer_exchange = yes

Authorize UDP trackers

use_udp_trackers = yes

Peer settings

throttle.max_uploads.set = 100 = 250
throttle.min_peers.normal.set = 20
throttle.max_peers.normal.set = 60
throttle.min_peers.seed.set = 30
throttle.max_peers.seed.set = 80
trackers.numwant.set = 80


protocol.encryption.set = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry

Limits for file handle resources

network.http.max_open.set = 50
network.max_open_files.set = 600
network.max_open_sockets.set = 300

Memory resource usage

pieces.memory.max.set = 1800M
network.xmlrpc.size_limit.set = 12M

Basic operational settings

session.path.set = (cat, (cfg.session))
directory.default.set = (cat, (
log.execute = (cat, (cfg.logs), "execute.log")
log.xmlrpc = (cat, (cfg.logs), "xmlrpc.log")
execute.nothrow = sh, -c, (cat, "echo >",\
    (session.path), "", " ",(

Other operational settings

encoding.add = utf8
system.umask.set = 0027
system.cwd.set = (directory.default)
network.http.dns_cache_timeout.set = 25
schedule2 = monitor_diskspace, 15, 60, ((close_low_diskspace, 1000M))
method.insert = system.startup_time, value|const, (system.time)
method.insert = d.data_path, simple,\
        (cat, (, /),\
        (cat, (, /, ("
method.insert = d.session_file, simple, "cat=(session.path), (d.hash), .torrent"

Watch directories

## Add torrent
schedule2 = watch_load, 11, 10, ((load.verbose, (cat, (, "load/*.torrent")))
## Add & download straight away
schedule2 = watch_start, 10, 10, ((load.start_verbose, (cat, (, "start/*.torrent")))

Move on finished

method.insert = d.get_finished_dir,simple,\
        (cat, /output/complete/, (d.get_custom1), /),\
        (cat, /output/complete/unsorted/)"
method.set_key =,move_complete,"d.stop=;execute=mkdir,-p,$d.get_finished_dir=;execute=cp,-fr,$d.get_base_path=,$d.get_finished_dir=;d.start=;d.hash"

Socket specs

execute = {sh,-c,rm -f /config/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket}
scgi_local = /config/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket
execute = {sh,-c,chmod 0666 /config/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket}

Ratio trigger

method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, "d.close="


print = (cat, "Logging to ", (cfg.logfile))
log.open_file = "log", (cfg.logfile)
log.add_output = "info", "log"
#log.add_output = "tracker_debug", "log"
