Varken - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki


Since the official repository splits the config into 3 different containers (services) i build a new container containing all the necessary tools into one.

Github: DockerHub:

The app is available in the 8.6 repository of the PTS community repository for testing.

Name: varken

Installation Instructions

  1. After deploying the container you need to add all your API keys to the config file at

vi /opt/appdata/varken/varken.ini

  1. Restart the container

docker restart varken

  1. Login to the WebUI at https://varken.<your-domain> with the user/pass: admin/admin

  2. Import the dashboard

    Dashboard > Import -> Enter the GrafanaID: 9585

    Select "InfluxDB" at "varken"

    Modify the rest to your needs and hit "Import"

Documentation can be found here: