RuTorrent - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. Configuration Information
  4. Download Connection
  5. Autotools
  6. Auto-unpack
  7. Summary

1. Intro

ruTorrent is a web frontend for rtorrent designed to emulate the look and feel of µTorrent WebUIso its appearance is quite similar to the “parent”. The name “ruTorrent” is the combination of µTorrent and rtorrent.

2. Access Information

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** rutorrent:8999 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard
http ipv4:8999 Ideal Only for Local Servers

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. Configuration Information

NOTE: PTS fork will auto-configure paths, categories, and some essential settings by default. The default download folder for rutorrent is /mnt/incomplete/torrent. The completed download will then move to /mnt/downloads/torrent.

Remember /mnt/downloads/torrent should be added to "Remote Path Mappings" under "Download Client" in radarr/sonarr in order for it to be processed

a. Instruction To Stop Seeding

Click the Gear Icon

Click Ratio Group on Menu and change Row #1 to ratio 0: Min 0; Max 0; UL, MIB 0, Time 0 with Action Stop.

This should stop the torrent right away. Please make sure it works before messing with the values.

Good read:

b. Instruction remove torrent to 200%

Click Ratio Group on Menu and change Row #1 to ratio 0: Min 200; Max 200; UL, MIB 50, Time 0 with Action Remove

4. Download Connection

5. ruTorrent autotools

Disable AutoMove (disabled by default). If automove is enabled, radarr/lidarr/sonarr will not get the correct location and will fail to import your torrents.

Optional: enable torrent watch with the path /mnt/torrent/watch

6. ruTorrent auto unpack

7. Summary

rTorrent is a very stable and powerful torrent downloader. In linux and torrent this is unbeaten and allowed on every tracker, whether it is open or closed.