RClone Cache - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki


WARNING! This has nothing to do with SuperTransfer2

Table of Contents: RClone (Cache)

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About RClone

Is a "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files

Installing RClone Unencrypted Cache via PTS

Launch PlexGuide

Select the following options once PTS is loaded: PTS Program Suite > Beta > RClone (Unencyrpted)

Configure RClone (Cache)

When you deploy the unencrypted portion of the program for the FIRST TIME, you should see RClone complaining about a file missing. Basically, you are creating a file for the first time. You may be asking if you catch on; why unionFS? Well, it was part of the prior setup we had, but it allows us to move data across on our terms, with better control. This also prevents endless amounts of data building up in the cache; where as everything that is ready to be transfered is sitting in /mnt/move... thus meaning while your waiting; your able to watch your media!

[Part 1 of 2 - Setting up Google Drive]

Demo Picture: New RClone Start Configuration

  • Type the Letter "n" to create a NEW Remote for RClone.

Next, call the remote "gdrive" <<< case sensitive

  • Drive Type: Select Option #11 for Google Drive (Version RClone 1.40)
  • Google Client ID: LEAVE BLANK and Press ENTER
  • Google Client Secret: LEAVE BLANK and Press ENTER

  • Drive Scope: Select Option Number 1 (From the Picture Above)
  • Root Folder ID: Just Press [ENTER]
  • Service Account File: Just Press [ENTER]
  • Asks you About Config?
    • y - only if you are physically on the machine (rarer these days)
      • Login with the CORRECT Google Account and Copy the Code
    • n - if using remotely, somewhere else (most cases these days)
      • Copy the http:// link & Paste it into your Browser
  • Login with the CORRECT Google Account and Copy the Code.
  • Paste the Code into Terminal and Press Enter
  • n - for 'Configure this as a team drive?'
  • y - Yes this is OK
  • DO NOT QUIT - Continue

[Part 2 of 2 - Setting up Cache]

  1. Setup a New Remote

  1. Name it cache - This is case senstive!

  2. Press 6 for Cache (make sure to check, the numbers can change)

  1. Type gdrive: - This is case senstive!

  1. Leave the URL Blank

  1. Type in your PLEX User Name (Recommend to keep it case sensitive)

  1. Type in your PLEX Password

  1. Chunk Size: 10MB - You can type exactly

  1. Info Age: 6h - You can type exactly

  1. Chunk Total Size: 10G - You can type exactly

  1. Check your config, type y and press ENTER to SAVE! Then press q and then ENTER to exit!

  2. To check on everything, type:

  • ls -la /mnt/gdrive
  • ls -la /mnt/unionfs

They should mirror each other (it's recommend to drop some kind of file in Google to verify that it's correct)


Installing RClone Encrypted Cache via PTS

NOTE: Still in testing - Do Not Use!!!!

Launch PlexGuide

Select the following options once PTS is loaded: PTS Program Suite > Beta > RClone (Encyrpted)

Configure RClone (Cache Encryption)

When you deploy the encrypted portion of the program for the FIRST TIME, you should see RClone complaining about a file missing. Basically, you are creating a file for the first time. You may be asking if you catch on; why unionFS? Well, it was part of the prior setup we had, but it allows us to move data across on our terms, with better control. This also prevents endless amounts of data building up in the cache; where as everything that is ready to be transfered is sitting in /mnt/move... thus meaning while your waiting; your able to watch your media!

[Part 1 of 4 - Setting up Google Drive]

Demo Picture: New RClone Start Configuration

  • Type the Letter "n" to create a NEW Remote for RClone.

Next, call the remote "gdrive" <<< case sensitive

  • Drive Type: Select Option #11 for Google Drive (Version RClone 1.40)
  • Google Client ID: LEAVE BLANK and Press ENTER
  • Google Client Secret: LEAVE BLANK and Press ENTER

  • Drive Scope: Select Option Number 1 (From the Picture Above)
  • Root Folder ID: Just Press [ENTER]
  • Service Account File: Just Press [ENTER]
  • Asks you About Config?
    • y - only if you are physically on the machine (rarer these days)
      • Login with the CORRECT Google Account and Copy the Code
    • n - if using remotely, somewhere else (most cases these days)
      • Copy the http:// link & Paste it into your Browser
  • Login with the CORRECT Google Account and Copy the Code.
  • Paste the Code into Terminal and Press Enter
  • n - for 'Configure this as a team drive?'
  • y - Yes this is OK
  • DO NOT QUIT - Continue

[Part 2 of 4 - Setting up Cache]

  1. Setup a New Remote

  1. Name it cache - This is case senstive!

  2. Press 6 for Cache (make sure to check, the numbers can change)

  1. Type gdrive:/encrypt - This is case senstive!

  1. Leave the URL Blank

  2. Type in your PLEX User Name (Recommend to keep it case sensitive)

  1. Type in your PLEX Password

  1. Chunk Size: 10MB - You can type exactly

  1. Info Age: 6h - You can type exactly

  1. Chunk Total Size: 10G - You can type exactly

  1. Check your config, type y and press ENTER to SAVE!

  1. DO NOT QUIT - Continue

[Part 3 of 4 - Setting up Encryption side of cache]

This encrypted mount will be for unionfs.service.

  • n < For New remote
  • cachecrypt < for the name
  • 8 < For Encrypt/Decrypt (double check the number select incase)
  • cache: (this will already point to the encrypted folder within your gdrive)
  • 2 < Encrypt standard
  • 1 < Turn on Directory Encryption
  • y < type your own password (make up a secure one and write it down somewhere safe otherwise use the one from before if you already created it for whichever original encrypted folder you want to use - for example DTHBCH434G45)
  • y < type your own salt password (make up a different secure one and write it down somewhere safe otherwise use the one from before if you already created it for whichever original encrypted folder you want to use - for example ER7UNK7UB6C44)

Should see something like this:


[Part 4 of 4 - Setting up Encryption for move script]

This encrypted mount will be used for the move.sh to upload stuff to your Google Drive.

  • n < For New remote
  • gcrypt < for the name
  • 8 < For Encrypt/Decrypt (double check the number select in case)
  • gdrive:/encrypt (encrypt being the name of the rclone encrypted folder within your gdrive)
  • 2 < Encrypt standard
  • 1 < Turn on Directory Encryption
  • Y < type your own password (use the same password as above for crypt - for example DTHBCH434G45)
  • Y < type your own salt password (use the same SALT password as above for crypt - for example ER7UNK7UB6C44)

Should see something like this:


  • Then press q and then ENTER to exit!

To check on everything, type:

  • ls -la /mnt/gdrive
  • ls -la /mnt/unionfs

They should mirror each other (it's recommended to drop some kind of file in Google to verify that it's correct)

PTS Forum Support: RClone



N|Solid N|Solid


DEVELOPMENT: RClone Cache is being implemented for PlexGuide, but is not fully ready.

RClone Cache basically is ... (will continue to be improved upon).

RClone Beta Install: Before you proceed onward an as a warning for now, install RClone Beta before proceeding onward for testing with

curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash -s beta

Below are two major ways you can utilized RClone Cache for PlexGuide:

RClone Cache Unencrypted

In rclone config, make a Google Drive mount (type 11 as of RClone 1.40). Name it "gdrive". Select type 1, "Drive" Put in your API and Secret from console.developers.google.com. Note that this can be from a different account than your unlimited. Say no to the token question, then copy paste this into your web browser. Sign in to the account with unlimited GD storage, then copy the confirmation code it gives you back into RClone. Finally, confirm the mount.

Next, make a Cache mount (type 6 as of RClone 1.40) and name it "cache". It is currently unknown what settings are ideal for PTS users. Point it at gdrive: (or whatever your PTS folder in GD is) and put in your Plex credentials if auto-sync is desired. All reading traffic (Sonarr, Radarr, Plex, etc) should be passed through this mount, whereas uploading traffic (Move script) should point at the direct mount.

RClone Cache Encrypted

In rclone config, make a Google Drive mount (type 11 as of RClone 1.40). Name it "gdrive". Select type 1, "Drive" Put in your API and Secret from console.developers.google.com. Note that this can be from a different account than your unlimited. Say no to the token question, then copy paste this into your web browser. Sign in to the account with unlimited GD storage, then copy the confirmation code it gives you back into RClone. Finally, confirm the mount.

Next, make a Cache mount (type 6 as of RClone 1.40) and name it "cache". It is currently unknown what settings are ideal for PTS users. Point it at gdrive:/encrypt (or whatever your PTS folder in GD is) and put in your Plex credentials if auto-sync is desired.

Next, make a Crypt mount (type 8 as of RClone 1.40) and name it "crypt" and point it at "cache::". This will be the output directory that will be read by Plex. Secure it with a Password and Salt. All reading traffic (UnionFS, Plex, Sonarr, Radarr) should read from here as to avoid API bans.

Finally, make another Crypt mount and name it "gcrypt". Point this at "gdrive:/encrypt" directly. This should be used by the Move script and all other write-traffic.

Use or RClone guide if you need more info.

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