Plex Guide - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki
Plex Configuration & Access
If you can ACCESS the PLEX SERVER directly such as through a direct interface or on a virutal machine; skip the tunneling and claiming instructions
Claiming Your Plex Server
Method 1: Using the Program - Everything works in the script -- Skip Down to Plex Setup Optimization & Setup - Below
Method 2: Through Portainer - Fast & Works Well
Method 3: Tunneling In (Information Below)
Method 3 Tunneling Instructions
- Windows Machine & Putty
- MAC Users can use the built in Terminal or another tool called SecurePipes
Follow either the Windows or Linux Tunnel Info
Windows Tunnel with Putty
- Load putty
- Type in your remote-ipaddress and port 22 and select SSH
- On the left side of the menu expand CONNECTION > SSH > Tunnels
- Source Port: 6969
- Destination: remote-ipaddress:32400
- [Click] Add
- [Click] Open
- Login and keep the terminal putty open
Linux / Mac Tunnel
- Source:
- Open command line terminal
- Use 'ssh -L local_port:local_address:remote_port [email protected]' to access remote server
- ssh -L bob@ipv4address or [email protected]
To Setup Plex
Open up a browser (recommend Chrome) and type:
If do not type exactly what above, you will get a whole bunch of XML garbage and nothing will happen!
- You will now be able to setup PLEX
- Double check by opening a new window or tab and type http://ipv4address:32400/web
Plex Optimization & Setup
Configuring TV Shows
- [Click] Add Library
- [Click] TV Shows
- [Type] Add Folders to Your Library: /plexdrive4/tv (either /unionfs/tv or /encrypt/tv for encrypted version)
- Note: You will never be able to select it if you have a large library; type it and hit ok
- [Click] Ok
Configuring Movies
- [Click] Add Library
- [Click] Films
- [Type] Add Folders to Your Library: /plexdrive4/movies (either /unionfs/movies or /encrypt/movies for encrypted version)
- Note: You will never be able to select it if you have a large library; type it and hit ok
- [Click] Ok
Configure Server Settings
- Configure what you need, there is one important area.
- [Click] Server > Show Advanced > Library
- [Turn On] Update my library automatically
- [Keep-Off] Run a partical scan...
- [Keep-Off] Include music libraries...
- [Keep-On/Off] Update my library periodically (your if you have update automatically)
- [Select] Library update interval: Every 1 hour (for huge libraries, every 2 is better)
- [Keep-On] Empty trash automatically after every scan
- [Click] Server > Show Advanced > Scheduled Tasks
- [Turn/Keep On] Backup server every 3 days
- [Turn/Keep On] Optimize database every week
- [Turn/Keep On] Remove old bundles every week
- [Turn/Keep On] Remove old cache files every week
- [Turn/Keep On] Refresh metadata periodically
- all the rest keep unchecked.
Kept As a Reference To Help Others (Plex WebTools)
This process is now automated
- Now speaking of Bundles, lets get the Web Tools
- SSH in to your server
- type
wget -P /tmp
sudo find / -mount -type d -name Plug-ins
..Finds the location of your Plugins foldersudo unzip /tmp/ -d "$(sudo find / -mount -type d -name Plug-ins)"
sudo chown -Rv 1000:1000 "$(sudo find / -mount -type d -name Plug-ins)"
Go to your server IP address with:33400 at the end and install some extra stuff..Open Movie Database and are my 2 I usually get.