Old SickRage - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki


Table of Contents: SickRage

Official Logo

About SickRage

SickRage is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically uPTSrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.

Accessing SickRage via PlexGuide

Once deployed via Docker, you can access SickRage through:

Installing SickRage via PTS

STEP 1: Launch PlexGuide

Select the following options once PTS is loaded: PTS Application Suite > Managers > SickRage

STEP 2: SickRage Addresses

Visit HSickRage via the following address provided to you!

Configure SickRage - Newsgroups

** Note: Sickrage is somewhat complicated; recommended to use Sonarr)

General Tab

  • Misc
    • Show Root Directories
    • New
    • Add/unionfs/zilch/tv
    • Save Changes
  • Interface
    • HTTP Username: Set it and do not forget
    • HTTP Password: Set it and do not forget
    • Save Changes

Search Settings

  • Episode Search
    • Randomize Providers (Optional - I turn on)
    • Check Propers: 4 Hours
    • Backlog Search: 14
    • Daily Search Frequency: 20
    • Usenet Retention: 3000
    • Ignore Language *: add fr
    • Use Failed Downloads: Check [On]
    • Delete Failed: Check [On]
    • Save Changes
  • NZB Search
    • Search NZBs: Check [On]
    • Send .nzb files to SAB or NZBGET (configure accordingly)
    • Save Changes
  • Torrent Search
    • Enable Torrent Search: Turn Off
    • Save Changes

Search Providers

  • Provider Priorities
    • Turn on the providers you have
    • (Note, you will add other ones you own)
    • Save Changes
  • Provider Options
    • Skip
  • Configure Custom Newznab Providers (More Friendly with Sonnar)
    • Select Provider
    • For ones you have, fill out there info
    • For ones not listed, under select provider, select add new provider
    • Save Changes
  • Provider Priorities
    • Go back and turn on any providers not checked or ones you added.
    • Save Changes

Configure SickRage - Torrents

  • Needs Help -

PTS Forum Support: SickRage



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