Lidarr - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

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Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. PTS YouTube
  4. General Configuration
  5. Configuration /w NewsGroups
  6. Configuration /w Torrents
  7. Summary

1. Intro

Lidarr is one of the most recognized programs utilized in order to obtain, maintain, and uPTSrade a user's music quality content. Lidarr operates in a hasty and efficient manner and provides a high degree of confidence in organizing and renaming files to be recognized both by [Plex]] & [[Emby]]. For [USENet, Lidarr works both with NZBGET & SABNZBD.

2. Access Information

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** lidarr:8686 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard
http ipv4:8686 Ideal Only for Local Servers
  • Radarr to NZBGET, type nzbget in the address (not or the IP)
  • Radarr to SABNZBD, type sabnzbd in the address (not or the IP)

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. NewsGroups Configuration

A. PTS YouTube - NewsGroups

B. Recommended NewsGroups

Here are top 5 tier news-server recommended by PlexGuide! Very well known for completion and speeds:

  1. NewsHosting
  2. UseNetServer
  3. EasyNews
  4. Pure USENet
  5. XLNED

4. General Configuration

Generally, the following actions must be taken for both USENET and Torrents. Select settings as highlighted below.

Next, select media management. From here, scroll down until you see Audio Naming. Make sure to turn that on. If not, file names will be stored as is and may complicate the setup with Plex and/or Emby

General Settings

Advanced Settings: Turn on (little gear icon in top left.) It should change from a red X to a green checkmark:

Media Management Tab

Track Naming

  • Rename Tracks: Yes/Enable
  • Replace Illegal Characters: Yes/Enable
  • Standard Track Format: Recommend {Artist Name} - {Album Title} - {track:00} - {Track Title}
  • Artist Format: Recommend {Artist Name}
  • Album Folder Format: Recommend {Album Title} ({Release Year})


  • Create empty artist folders: No/Disable


  • Skip Free Space Check: Yes/Enable

File Management

  • Use Hardlinks instead of Copy: Yes/Enable
  • Analyze Audio Files: No/Disable if you forget, you will hit the 24hr Google Ban all the time

[Click] save changes at the top right

5. Configuration - NewsGroups

a. Setting up Indexers

News Group indexer information is generally easy to setup. The great thing about Lidarr is that there is prebuilt list of indexers to select from (meaning you do not have to discover them on your own. Select the [+] symbol in order to add an indexer.

Note: If you use NZBHydra as in the below picture, you'll have to select the Newznab preset and modify it for NZBHydra

Next, you will see custom and presets. Custom should only be used if the indexer your utilizing is not on the preset list. If on the preset list, select it.

Finally from here, type/paste in the API key and then [Save].

b. Setting Up a Downloader

i. General Information

This part is generally easy to accomplish. It is recommend to have NZBGET or SABNZBD deployed before moving on. First, start by selecting download clients and then selecting the [+] symbol.

You only have two choices primarily to choose from. Select either NZBGET or SABNZBD and then follow the instructions below based on your choice.

ii. Setting up NZBGET

  1. Type in the Name nzbget
  2. For host, type in nzbget (not localhost or the ip address)
  3. Ensure that music is there in all lowercase letters

Save and exit!

iii. Setting up SABNZBD

  1. Type in the Name sabnzbd
  2. For host, type in sabnzbd (not localhost or the ip address)
  3. Enter your API key from Sabnzbd
  4. Enter your username and password (if you use them in Sab)
  5. Ensuremusic is in the Category box in all lowercase letters
  6. Recent Priority: High
  7. Older Priority: Normal or Low (if you love music downloads more than movies or tv; make normal)
  8. [Click] Test - if having problems, please ensure Port Security is enabled in Plexguide. Note: if you have your downloader on a different server than Lidarr, then change the host to and leave the rest the same.
  9. [Click] Save - if all is well

iv. Downloader settings

Completed download handling

Enable: Automatically import completed downloads from download client Enable: (Optional) Remove imported downloads from download client history

Failed download handling

Enable: Automatically search for and attempt download a different release Enable: (Recommended, but not required) Remove failed downloads from download client history

Remote Path Mappings

For each downloader you use, you need to setup a remote mapping per downloader. A mapping is required per downloader for hardlinking to work. For more information, read Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr Remote Path Mappings

Here is the mapping for nzbget:

host: nzbget
remote path: /mnt/downloads/nzbget
local path: /mnt/unionfs/nzbget

v. Connect to plex

Lidarr will send your newest files to plex for it to scan. This will just scan the changed files.

Save and exit!

vi. Recommended NewsGroups

Top 5 tier news-server recommended by PlexGuide for SABNZBD & NZBGET! Very well known for completion and speeds (and my actual personal use):

  1. NewsHosting
  2. UseNetServer
  3. EasyNews
  4. Pure USENet
  5. XLNED

vii. Wrap Up Information

If completed utilizing the NewsGroup portion, feel free to check out and explore the other options!

6. Configuration - Torrents


  • Visit the Jackett Wiki to obtain the URL & API.
  • Paste in the URL, but once your done; change the address to match http://jackett:9117 as shown below.
  • Paste in your API key
  • Select Save

Download Client

  • On the "Download Client" tab we will add rutorrent or deluge. RUTORRENT:
  • Click the add symbol and add click rtorrent.
  • Give it a name
  • Host: rutorrent
  • Port: 80
  • Username: leave blank if default
  • Password: leave blank if default
  • URL Path leave it as is.
  • Then click test. If successful congrats! If it is not, make sure you can connect to rutorrent and it connects to rtorrent.

7. Summary

Lidarr is a very easy program to utilize. As long as you follow the basic information, any user just be good to go. If you have any questions, please visit our forums at https://PTS