LazyLibrarian - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki
Table of Contents
1. Intro
LazyLibrarian official information page
2. Summary
NOTE: Starting with v8.1, plexguide will autoconfigure the paths, categories, and some essential settings by default.
3. Access Information
Protocol | Address | Notes |
traefik** | lazylibrarian:5299 | Only for Internal App-to-App Communication |
https | | Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers |
http | | Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard |
http | ipv4:5299 | Ideal Only for Local Servers |
** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!
4. Configuration
NOTE: Starting with v8.1, plexguide will autoconfigure the paths, categories, and some essential settings by default.
Downloads Folder
We provide most download locations by default, however you will see log errors about missing folders. It's recommended you customize the "Download Folder" under the processing configuration. This is a comma-separated list of download folders.
You will need to customize this for your environment. For example if you use sabnzbd and rutorrent, change the value to /mnt/downloads/sabnzbd/ebooks,/mnt/downloads/rutorrent/ebooks
LazyLibrarian uses only 1 category for the downloaders to download both ebooks and abooks, however it will import them into /mnt/unionfs/ebooks
and /mnt/unionfs/abooks
LazyLibrarian will not search download subfolders, so you can't just specify /mnt/downloads
. You will need to specify the specific directory where your downloader puts ebook/abook files. I
If you use rutorrent but you aren't using categories to sort downloads, you want to use /mnt/downloads/rutorrent
not /mnt/downloads/rutorrent/ebooks
Default Paths (configured automatically)
Incase you are uPTSrading or change the paths and it's causing problems, here are the default paths to assist you!
Path | Info |
Download Folder | /mnt/downloads/sabnzbd/ebooks,/mnt/downloads/nzbget/ebooks,/mnt/downloads/qbittorrent/ebooks,/mnt/downloads/rutorrent/ebooks |
ebooks Library Folder | /mnt/unionfs/ebooks |
abook Library Folder | /mnt/unionfs/abooks |