Heimdall - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. Summary
  4. Configuration Information
  5. Summary

1. Intro

Heimdall is a web-based portal page of task tiles representing a web app and/or links internal and external. Like a quick directory listing service, from which you can execute, launch or visit that content or web service.

This eliminates the need to remember and bookmark all the microservices in your browser(s).

It utilizes a streamlined interface that provides a single view with all of your installed microservices.

The project team goal is to make it quick and easy to utilize your server for simple access.

2. Access Information

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** heimdall:1111 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https heimdall.domain.com Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http domain.com:1111 Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard
http ipv4:1111 Ideal Only for Local Servers

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. PTS YouTube

4. Configuration Information

STEP 1: Visit Your Heimdall Homepage From here, you will be at the default homepage. There is quite a-bit to setup depending on what your goals are. Purpose here is to provide you some basic information! If you require advanced assistance, please visit the link near the bottom of the page and visit the corresponding forum in regards to Heimdall. First, we will configure some basic settings!

STEP 2: Heimdall Settings Configure your basic settings. Both are optional. You can configure a Home Search Provider and change the image background. This is useful incase you want to use Heimdall as a default webpage from your remote host!

STEP 3: Adding Applications Back at the Home Screen, you will click the applications button to add your applications.

STEP 4: Configure an Application for Heimdall This is the fun part. Here, follow the picture below! You should PIN it, if you choose to, establish a name, and ensure to put your access domain or IPv4. From there, you can add an optional colour background, upload an ICON, and Save your Work! You will repeat this process for any applications you have!

STEP 5: Configure Access & Authentication

Important to understand that by default there is no browser form login prompt. It is public facing and open to anyone with the link.

How should you secure this page access? Simply click on the bottom right context menu, person icon, second from the top of list, to start. Now click on edit the admin user and/or add new users if multiple people will be accessing it.

Make sure the option to 'Make Public if no password set' is disabled and set a password twice and add email address.

STEP 6: View the Fruits of Your Labor After configuring your application, it will display on the shortcut to your program directly, and it will display information such as download speeds.

5. Summary