Cloud Commander - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. PTS YouTube
  4. Case Use
  5. Summary

1. Intro

Cloud Commander is an a quick an efficient way to access your files through the use of a browser. Not only does Cloud Commander assist you with file management, but a user is can upload, download, rename files, and even run terminal commands!

Case in point, Cloud Commander was originally utilized for PTS's Legacy Super Transfer2, but now serves as an additional application to assist you in the use of your server!

2. Access Information

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** cloudcmd:7999 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard
http ipv4:7999 Ideal Only for Local Servers

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. PTS YouTube

4. Case Use

Cloud Commander has several useful features that are highlighted in the video above.

  • User is able to execute shell commands as though on the server
  • Password features
  • Can download and upload files, including drag and drop in the browser
  • Zip and Extract files from within
  • Read text files directly
  • Access your server from anywhere!
  1. The host server is mounted in the directory "SERVER"
  2. If you want to move/delete/work with files on the host (i.e. NOT just those inside the Docker container) then first enter the "SERVER" directory. There you can go to the /mnt directory on the server for most of you locally or remotely stored files.

5. Summary

Cloud Commander is an exceeding well, put together, and useful program. A great tool for deployment for any server operational needs. To some extent, it could eliminate the use of NextCloud and similar programs due to it's accessibility!