Bazarr - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki
Table of Contents
1. Intro
Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements. You define your preferences by TV show or movie and Bazarr takes care of everything for you.
Be aware that Bazarr doesn't scan disk to detect series and movies: It only takes care of the series and movies that are indexed in Sonarr and Radarr.
2. Access Information
i. General Access
Protocol | Address | Notes |
traefik** | bazarr:6767 | Only for Internal App-to-App Communication |
https | | Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers |
http | | Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard |
http | ipv4:6767 | Ideal Only for Local Servers |
** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!
3. General Configuration
Before starting any congratulation, make sur that Radarr and/or Sonarr are working. Then, follow Bazzar's installation Wizard.
The wizard should be self explanatory.
As Radarr, Sonarr and Bazarr have the same /mnt, you don't need any mapping.