AirSonic - n05urpr1532-MHA-Team/PTS-Team GitHub Wiki

Quick Reference - http://airsonic.PTS

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Access Information
  3. PTS YouTube - AirSonic
  4. Configuration
    1. Password Change
    2. Configure Music Directory
  5. Summary

1. Intro

Airsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitious access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room.

Airsonic is designed to handle very large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes). Although optimized for MP3 streaming, it works for any audio or video format that can stream over HTTP, for instance AAC and OGG. By using transcoder plug-ins, Airsonic supports on-the-fly conversion and streaming of virtually any audio format, including WMA, FLAC, APE, Musepack, WavPack and Shorten.

2. Access Information

Protocol Address Notes
traefik** airsonic:4040 Only for Internal App-to-App Communication
https Traefik must be Deployed; Remote Servers
http Poor Security Practice - Stop with PTS Port Guard
http ipv4:4040 Ideal Only for Local Servers

** Ideal for Apps to communicate between with one another. Click Here for more info!

3. PTS YouTube - AirSonic

4. Configuration

i. Password Change

First, you must access the panel by typing the username & password in combo of admin/admin.

Once you are logged, follow these steps to change the username and password

  • Click Settings
  • Click Users
  • Change Passwords
  • Set a new password
  • Save

ii. Configure Music Directory

In the picture below, there is a picture of an example on what to put in. Ensure that your path start with /mnt/unionfs and point the rest of the path according to wherever your music directory is.

Afterwards on the lefthand side, there should be an update and reflection on how large your library is. If you have a Sonos system, click the settings tab and select Sonos and turn on the option.

5. Summary

Airsonic is useful for those looking to create an internal music server and songs to play from. If you have any questions, please visit our forums at https://PTS