Monitor mode for Samsung Galaxy S - n-aizu/android_kernel_samsung_aries GitHub Wiki
Build and Install
- Build CyanogenMod for Galaxy S.
- Branch:stable/cm-11.0
- Replace kernel(kernel/samsung/aries/) with my android_kernel_samsung_aries cm-11.0-bcmon branch.
- Install android_kernel_samsung_aries/firmware/fw_bcm4329.bcmon.bin to system/vendor/firmware .
- Install iw(eg. to system/xbin .
- Install [em](ch(CHannel setting) command)/[dm](dm(Disable Monitor mode) command)/[cm](ch(CHannel setting) command) to system/xbin .
- Install CyanogenMod to Galaxy S.
- (described in Japanese)
- Ask google.
- Install "Wifi Analyzer" and "Shark for Root" to Galaxy S.
How to use
- Enable Wi-Fi on Galaxy S.
- Start Wifi Analyzer and check AP channel.
- Start terminal emulator and type "su -".
- Type "em".
- Enable monitor mode.
- Type "ch {channel number}"
- eg. "ch 5"
- Valid channel: 1-11
- Start Shark for Root.
- Add "-i mon.wlan0" to parameters.
- Press "Start" button.
- Start capturing 802.11 packets.
- Press "Stop" button.
- Save captured data file on internal sd card.
- Type "dm" on terminal emulator.
- Disable monitor mode.
See screenshots.