RASDR Unit Tracking - myriadrf/RASDR GitHub Wiki


This page keeps track of the RASDR units that are part of the Beta Program / SARA Loaner Program.

S/N (*) Shield (*) Pacifier (*) GPIO(*) Enclosure Custodian Notes
059-0001 no no yes Stan Kurtz
193-0008 yes yes 1xRA13V1 5x1N4733A yes Ed Scott
018-0010 no no 1xRA13V1 5x1N4735JP 5x100ohm yes David Fields
070-0014 no yes 1xRA13V1 5x1N4735JP yes Bogdan Vacaliuc needs USB3 repair
009-0022 yes no 1x1N914 5x1N4735JP yes Bogdan Vacaliuc needs USB3 repair
?-000m ? no Paul Oxley using his own case
017-0013 no no 1xRA13V1 5x1N4733A yes Rich Russell Protocase with high-quality digital print

(*) Serial number is formed by combining MyriadRF with DigiRED serial numbers separated with a '-'

(*) A Shield is a metal frame that is soldered onto the MyriadRF board along with a cover .

(*) A Pacifier is an adapter fitted on the X9 connector of some MyriadRF boards to allow proper operation of the RUN/PROGRAM control.

(*) GPIO protection involves (1x) forward-biased diode on the +5V output and (5x) zener diodes on the five gpio pins, reverse-biased to ground. A 100ohm current-limit resistor should also be fitted on each GPIO signal pin.