Step by Step Todo module Chapter5 - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki
Advanced use cases
There are 2 methods to define a setting in module.
First method is introduced in Chapter 1, where you can define variable in protected/modules/todo/TodoModule.php
and use it with syntax <?php echo $this->module->var1 ?>
. This non-hardcoded method allows admin to edit configuration files like protected/modules/todo/main.php
to change its value.
The 2nd method, an alternative to module settings which is by using the functionalities provided by Setting
default model. Unlike method 1 which is stored in file, method 2 is stored in database and accessible from Backend > Site > Setting
To setup a setting, add the code inside install()
function in file protected/modules/todo/TodoModule.php
$this->setupSetting('todo-defaultDisplayLimit', '100', array('datatype' => 'integer'));
- This will create a setting entry with key
data type and has default value of100
- Please strictly follow this naming convention, prefix your module setting with the module code, e.g.
To use a setting:
Setting::code2value('todo-defaultDisplayLimit', 50)
- 50 is the default error code value to use when todo-defaultDisplayLimit not found or set
There are scenarios where your module need to apply CSS and Javascript to the entire application beyond module scope. e.g. a bookmark module will needs to add an 'Add to bookmark' button across all pages.
OpenHub module support this thru protected/modules/todo/TodoModule.php
public function getSharedAssets($forInterface='*')
case 'layout-backend':
$return['css'][] = array('src' => self::getAssetsUrl() . '/css/backend.shared.css');
$return['js'][] = array('src' => self::getAssetsUrl() . '/javascript/backend.shared.js', 'position'=>CClientScript::POS_END);
return $return;
In protected/views/layouts/backend.php
, this following code will scan all modules for assets to include.
$modules = YeeModule::getParsableModules();
foreach ($modules as $moduleKey => $moduleParams) {
if (method_exists(Yii::app()->getModule($moduleKey), 'getSharedAssets')) {
$assets = Yii::app()->getModule($moduleKey)->getSharedAssets('layout-backend');
foreach ($assets['js'] as $jsAsset) {
Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile($jsAsset['src'], !empty($jsAsset['position']) ? $jsAsset['position'] : CClientScript::POS_END, !empty($jsAsset['htmlOptions']) ? $jsAsset['htmlOptions'] : array());
foreach ($assets['css'] as $cssAsset) {
Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($cssAsset['src'], !empty($cssAsset['media']) ? $cssAsset['media'] : '');
All you need to do next is to code your logic in the following list of files:
Your module can contain Command Line functions to run back office functionality without worry about web server timeout limitation. A CLI command can also be escalate into cron job to run scheduled tasks automatically.
Create file protected/modules/todo/commands/TodoCommand.php
and fill with content:
class TodoCommand extends ConsoleCommand
public $verbose=false;
public function actionIndex()
echo "Available command:\n";
echo " * Shout --param1=hello --param2=world\n";
echo "\n";
public function actionShout($param1, $param2)
echo sprintf("%s %s\n", $param1, $param2);
Yii::app()->esLog->log(sprintf("called todo\should"), 'command', array('trigger'=>'TodoCommand::actionShout', 'model'=>'', 'action'=>'', 'id'=>''), '', array('param1'=>$param1, 'param2'=>$param2));
To run this command, at your docker project folder:
cd magic_hub/protected
php yiic todo Shout --param1=Hello --param2=World
To turn it into a cron command, please refer to this documentation.
Your module might need to support multilingual and internationalization (i18n). Please refer to this documentation for more details.
In short:
- Change all your interface text to i18n format. e.g. from
Hello World
to<?php echo Yii:t('todo', 'Hello World')?>
- Remember to use module code
as the translation context
- For big chunk of text, separate them into partial view file.
- For database, follow the documentation above to learn how to structure it.
You are accessing todo module from url
and your marketing department suddenly needs to change this to
You SHOULD NOT rename this module.
What you can do is edit protected/modules/todo/config/main.php
and change this part of code:
'urlManager' => array(
'rules' => array(
Now, you are good to go with url
and the old one
is still functioning for backward compatibility.
OpenHub comes with default composer packages install at protected/vendor
. However, your module may required specific package that not included in this default bundle. You can have your module specific packages located at protected/modules/todo/vendor
cd protected/modules/todo
composer require knplabs/github-api php-http/guzzle6-adapter "^1.1"
directory will be created, ignore by repository in default -
files created
Add require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
to the start of public function init(){}
inside protected/modules/todo/TodoModule.php
OpenHub used Wikimedia Composer Merge to accomplish this.
Composer package used by the module can be access in the application scope as well as in other modules. All you need to do is run composer update
under /protected
Now, this package is ready to use, e.g.: /protected/TestController.php
public function actionWebflowModule()
$webflow = new \Webflow\Api(Yii::app()->getModule('webflow')->apiToken);