Notify - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki
How it works
take care of which channel to use to send out a notification message to user.
Developer should not concern how user will get a notification message. It is handled by the system automatically. Email is the default channel for sending a message; where a user with verified mobile number will get additional SMS notification; the same concept applied to push notification channel then.
Outgoing message will also be recorded in database under notify
table for references.
You can send a notification by calling HUB::sendNotify
sendNotify($userType, $username, $message, $title = '', $content = '', $priority = 3, $options = null)
: supported receiver user type can be eithermember
(email address) for member and admin; orcode
for organization$message
: Required field, either a string or a json payload, use for short messaging channel like SMS and Push notification (where$content
will not be use)$title
: a string, mainly use for channel like Email$content
: a long string, HTML is supported and will be automatically adapt to plain text for alternative, mainly use for channel like Email$priority
: default to 3, 1 is least important, 5 is most important$options
: additional parameters can be pass in to control for each channel, like setting a CC in email for examaple
$notifyMaker = NotifyMaker::member_user_linkUserEmail($user, $user2email);
$options['email']['receivers'][] = array('method' => 'cc', 'name' => $nameTeam, 'email' => $emailTeam);
HUB::sendNotify('member', $submission->user->username, $notifMaker['message'], $notifMaker['title'], $notifMaker['content'], 3, $options);
As you can see, compose of title
, message
and content
is the job of NotifyMaker
function and it follows the format of: NotifyMaker::receiverUserType_module_verbNouns
public static function member_user_linkUserEmail($user, $user2email)
$return['title'] = Yii::t('notify', 'Please verify this email address');
$return['message'] = Yii::t('notify', 'Please verify this email address.');
$params['email'] = $user2email->user_email;
$params['username'] = $user->username;
$params['urlVerify'] = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/cpanel/verifyUser2Email', array('email' => $user2email->user_email, 'key' => $user2email->verification_key));
$params['urlDelete'] = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/cpanel/cancelUser2Email', array('email' => $user2email->user_email, 'key' => $user2email->delete_key));
// always start with views folder
$return['content'] = HUB::renderPartial('/_email/user_linkUserEmail', $params, true);
return $return;
We use
here but not$this->renderPartial
in order for it to work correctly in CLI environment too
The purpose of NotifyMaker
is to keep all messaging compose in one single place for ease of management. However, base on situation, you may go for the shortcut:
$notifMaker['title'] = Yii::t('notify', 'Please verify this email address');
$notifMaker['message'] = Yii::t('notify', 'Please verify this email address.');
$params['email'] = $user2email->user_email;
$params['username'] = $user->username;
$params['urlVerify'] = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/cpanel/verifyUser2Email', array('email' => $user2email->user_email, 'key' => $user2email->verification_key));
$params['urlDelete'] = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/cpanel/cancelUser2Email', array('email' => $user2email->user_email, 'key' => $user2email->delete_key));
// always start with views folder
$notifMaker['content'] = HUB::renderPartial('/_email/user_linkUserEmail', $params, true);
$options['email']['receivers'][] = array('method' => 'cc', 'name' => $nameTeam, 'email' => $emailTeam);
HUB::sendNotify('member', $submission->user->username, $notifMaker['message'], $notifMaker['title'], $notifMaker['content'], 3, $options);
For usecase where only email channel should be use to send a notification. This is the same function called by sendNotify
sendEmail($email, $name, $title, $content, $options = array())
Send to multiple recipients seeing only their email but not others
The following code works for MailGun
foreach ($users as $user) {
$receivers[] = array('email' => $user->username, 'name' => $user->profile->full_name, 'method' => 'bcc');
$recipientVariables[$user->username] = array('fullname' => $user->profile->full_name);
$subject = 'Test multiple recipients';
$message = 'Hello World';
$options['headerLines']['X-Mailgun-Recipient-Variables'] = json_encode($recipientVariables, true);
$options['headerLines']['To'] = '%recipient%';
$result = HUB::sendEmail($receivers, $subject, $message, $options);
For mandrill
adapter, header X-MC-PreserveRecipients
need to be set to true
Please refer here for more details:
$options['headerLines']['X-MC-PreserveRecipients'] = true;