Modules Architecture - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

A OpenHub module consists of a main PHP file with as many other PHP files as needed, as well as the necessary assets (images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) to display the module’s interface, whether to the user (on the front office) or to the provider (on the back office).

Any OpenHub module, once installed on an online system, can interact with one or more "hooks". Hooks enable you to hook/attach your code to the current View at the time of the code parsing (i.e., when displaying the an organization etc). Specifically, a hook is a shortcut to the various methods available from the Module object, as assigned to that hook.

As a module developer, you make changes within the context of module. You must not modify the core files.

Modules’ operating principles

Modules are the ideal way to let your talent and imagination as a developer express themselves, as the creative possibilities are many and you can do pretty much anything with OpenHub’s module API.

Any module:

  • can display a variety of content (blocks, text, etc.), perform many tasks (cron, batch update, import, export, etc.), interface with other tools, and much much more.
  • can be made as configurable as necessary; the more configurable it is, the easier it will be to use, and thus will be able to address the needs of a wider range of users.
  • can add functionalities to OpenHub without having to edit its core files, thus making it easier to perform an update of OpenHub without having the transpose all core changes. Indeed, you should always strive to stay away from core files when building a module, even though this may seem necessary in some situations.
  • can use functions of other modules or share its own functionality to others
  • can be seen as one or part of a service; however, not all modules are services as some do not have frontend interface for user to interact with.

Different type of modules

Modules folder

OpenHub modules are found in the protected/modules folder. This is true for both default modules (provided with OpenHub) and 3rd-party modules that are subsequently installed.

Directory Structure

Inside each module, files are organized as:

  • Commands - protected/yiic.php has been modified to read all commands action from protected/modules/YOUR_MODULE/commands folder
  • Config - protected/config/main.php has been modified to include protected/config/module.php that read all configuration from protected/modules/YOUR_MODULE/config folder. Same goes to the protected/config/console.php
  • Components
  • Controllers
  • Models - Neo4J OGM stores under protected/modules/YOUR_MODULE/models/neo4j
  • Views

Helpful Functions


Return a list of system defined core modules' code


Return a list of new modules' code, including those who are not installed yet


Just a short hand of return Yii::app()->modules;


Return list of activated parsable modules object, which is recorded in database and has is_active flag switched on. Core modules are not included in the list.

    [collection] => Array
            [var1] => 
            [var2] => 
            [modelBehaviors] => Array
                    [Organization] => Array
                            [class] => application.modules.collection.components.CollectionOrganizationBehavior

                    [User] => Array
                            [class] => application.modules.collection.components.CollectionUserBehavior


            [class] => collection.CollectionModule

    [openHub] => Array
            [var1] => 
            [var2] => 
            [githubOrganization] => mymagic
            [githubRepoName] => open_hub
            [githubReleaseUrl] =>
            [isMockUpgrade] => 1
            [modelBehaviors] => Array

            [class] => openHub.OpenHubModule


Get list of parsable modules object, including those not registered in database. Core module is not included.

Sample Code

To loop thru controllers and actions of all modules

public function actionGetModuleActions()
    $modules = YeeModule::getActiveParsableModules();
    foreach ($modules as $moduleKey => $moduleParams) {
        $module = Yii::app()->getModule($moduleKey);
        echo sprintf('<h3>%s</h3>', $moduleKey);
        $controllers = YeeModule::getControllers($moduleKey, true);

        foreach ($controllers as $controllerKey) {
            echo sprintf('<h5>%s</h5>', $controllerKey);
            $actions = YeeBase::getActionsInController($controllerKey, $moduleKey, true);
            foreach ($actions as $action) {
                echo sprintf('<li>%s</li>', $action);

Which return result like:

- actionIndex
- actionList
- actionView
- actionAddItem2Collection
- actionGetCollections
- actionDeleteCollection
- actionIndex
- actionAddCollection
- actionHubAddCollectionItem
- actionHubGetCollectionByUser
- actionHubDeleteCollection
- actionHubRenameCollection
- actionHubMoveCollectionSub
- actionHubRenameCollectionSub
- actionHubDeleteCollectionSub
- actionHubDeleteCollectionItem
- actionTestZone

- actionIndex
- actionUpgrade
- actionDoUpgrade
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️