Module Web Assets - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

How it works

Module assets are store in path like /protected/moudles/boilerplateStart/assets. It will be auto copied to path like /public_html/assets/933ea96f after deployment.

In the development environment, you will need to set DEV = true in /protected/.env for the copy mechanism to auto kick in. BoilerplateStartModule has this piece of code that ensures this working.

public function beforeControllerAction($controller, $action)
    if (parent::beforeControllerAction($controller, $action)) {
        if (true == Yii::app()->params['dev']) {
            Yii::app()->assetManager->forceCopy = true;

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

If your module asset files are not copied correctly, you may want to make sure your /public_html/assets directory is writable by chmod -R 0777 /public_html/assets. Empty the directory first would help to create a fresh asset cache.


<?php echo Html::image($this->module->assetsUrl.'/images/photo1.png'); ?>

or add the following function in BoilerplateStartModule

public function getAssetsUrl()
    if (null === $this->_assetsUrl) {
        $this->_assetsUrl = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('boilerplateStart.assets'));

    return $this->_assetsUrl;

so you can do this in view:

<?php echo Html::image($this->module->getAssetsUrl().'/images/photo1.png'); ?>