Module Checklist - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki
Feel free to use the following template as a guide to ensure the completeness of your module before publish it.
No | Items | Checked |
1 | make sure doOrganizationsMerge() and doIndividualsMerge() is implemented to support organization and individual merge (if you have dataset in module that link to organization and individual ) |
2 | make sure getBackendAdvanceSearch() is supported to provide better user experience for admin to search your dataset from header bar |
3 | make sure all tables are created using installDb() function |
4 | make sure updated config/about.yaml is updated with your details |
5 | make sure all module public variables are exposed in config/base.php for convenience of admin to refer to |
6 | make suregetAsService() is implemented to expose functionality to member in cpanel (if your module is a service) |
7 | make sure getDashboardViewTabs() is implemented to expose functionality to admin in backend dashboard page (if required) |
8 | make sure module do not edit any of the other core table (e.g. organization , individual , event ) as well as others module tables structure. Use meta to extends. |
9 | make sure Setting::setSetting() is used to create and store configuration instead of using a custom table |
10 | make sure all static texts in module are i18n ready using Yii::t('MODULE_CODE', 'Your text string here') |
11 | make sure module is well documented for both developer and end user | |
12 | make sure module has an signed off UAT clearly listed all test item including this one as the subset |