Default Features - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

Merge Duplicate

Both organization and individual default feature support merging where duplicate records can be merge into one. After merged, source record will be set to inactive while all its dependancies data are transferred to the destination record (provided the module owner implemented this).

For your module, implement functions doOrganizationsMerge($source, $target) & doIndividualsMerge($source, $target) inside YourModuleCodeModule.php to do the merging. While the preview part is implemented at:

  • protected/modules/[moduleCode]/views/_organization/_getOrganizationNodes.php
  • protected/modules/[moduleCode]/views/_individual/_getIndividualNodes.php


Think setting like file config except it is store in database and can be easily update thru backend.

Create/Update a setting:

Use Embed if the value is i18n sensitive. e.g.: chunk of instruction text that need to be display in different language according to user selection

$value = '1,2,3';
$dataType = 'array';
Setting::setSetting('moduleCode-settingVariableName', $value, $dataType, $dataTypeValue = '');
  • will auto initialize module setting, auto create if not exists, else just ignore
  • code should come with prefix with moduleKey infront, eg: boilerplateStart-var1
  • supported dataType: image, integer, boolean, float, string, text, html, array, enum, date, file

Retrieve a setting value

Setting::code2value('moduleCode-settingVariableName', $defaultValue = null);
  • pass in defaultValue to return as default value if setting record not found


Think of Embed as snippet of content to include in your website which is i18n sensitive. A standard snippet has the following structure:

  • Title (title_en, title_ms...)
  • Description Text (text_description_en, text_description_ms...)
  • HTML Content (html_content_en, html_content_ms...)
  • Image (image_main_en, image_main_ms...)

Create/Update an embed:

$embed = Embed::setEmbed('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage', array(
    'is_title_enabled' => true,
    'is_text_description_enabled' => false,
    'is_html_content_enabled' => true,
    'is_image_main_enabled' => false,
    'is_default' => true,
    'title_en' => 'Deactivate Account',
    'html_content_en' => '<b>Hello</b> World',

Then, you can check is the embed successfully saved or not using:


Using an embed in view:

Notice that you do not need to insert the specific language suffix as it has already taken care of internally

Display the title:

<?php echo Embed::code2value('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage', 'title') ?>

Display the Html Content:

<?php echo Embed::code2value('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage', 'html_content') ?>

Getting the entire object can be done without specified any attribute name:

<?php echo Embed::code2value('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage') ?>

When a code not found, Embed::code2value() will return empty string '' if the attribute is specified; or null if attribute is not specified. If you need it to throw exception instead of this default mute behaviour, set the 3rd parameter exceptionIfNotFound to true:

<?php echo Embed::code2value('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage', 'html_content', true) ?>
<?php echo Embed::code2value('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage', '', true) ?>


Do not panic if your update do not apply immediately. Request is cache for 30 seconds internally.

Delete an embed:

$success = Embed::deleteEmbed('cpanel-deleteAccountMessage')
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️