API for Developers - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

API is an important component in OpenHub to allow its services to be consumed and interact with by external party, namely:

  • Developer - external developer who applied for access thru online, like hackathon participants, app developers, startups.
  • Partner - fundamentally are external developer too but with access to additional scope as NDA and contract signed and enforced.
  • User - user can only access the API thru the above two entity: either partner or developer. Eg: a normal user that like to access his own information thru API has to register as a developer with us

WAPI & Swagger

OpenHub default module WAPI stands for 'Web API', is enabled by default after installation and come with a web interface for developers to test their REST like API using Swagger. The interface is accessible thru https://mydomain.com/wapi/swagger.

Swagger Definition in YAML

API definition is written according to swagger format and store as YAML file. Default API definition can be located at the following location:

  • protected/data/api/
  • protected/modules/journey/api/journey.yaml
swagger: '2.0'
  description: Group of test APIs
  version: "v1"
  title: Test API
  # put the contact info for your development or API team
    email: [email protected]

    name: Apache 2.0
    url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html

# tags are used for organizing operations
- name: public
  description: Public API calls available to any developers
- name: admin
  description: Secured admin only API calls
- name: internal
  description: Internal API calls available to in-house developers only
      - public
      description: |
        Return current GMT timestamp
      - application/json
          description: OK
      - public
      description: |
        Test Sending GET Data with 2 input parameters, response will sum up these 2 input into number
        - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        - in: query
          name: num1
          type: number
          description: Number 1
          required: true
          default: 30
        - in: query
          name: num2
          type: number
          description: Number 2
          required: true
          default: 3
      - application/json
          description: OK
      - public
      description: |
        Test Sending POST Data with 2 input parameters, response will concat these input into a string
        - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        - in: formData
          name: var1
          type: string
          description: Variable 1
          required: true
          default: Hello
        - in: formData
          name: var2
          type: string
          description: Variable 2
          required: true
          default: World
      - application/json
          description: OK
      - public
      description: |
        Test Sending POST Data with 2 input parameters, response will concat these input into a string, required api key
        - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        - in: formData
          name: var1
          type: string
          description: Variable 1
          required: true
          default: Hello
        - in: formData
          name: var2
          type: string
          description: Variable 2
          required: true
          default: World
      - application/json
        - Bearer: []
          description: OK
basePath: /v1
# Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin
host: api-central.mymagic.my
# Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin
 - https
    type: apiKey
    name: Authorization
    in: header


Postman is a handy FREE tool for you to test your API apart from the swagger interface above.

Lest try it out using test API in OpenHub. In swagger interface:

Translated into Postman interface:

  1. Add a New Request
  2. Insert https://api-hubd.mymagic.my/v1/testPost and select POST to Request URL
  3. As this API deal with POST data, click Body tab
    • Select x-www-form-urlencoded
    • Insert 'var1' to KEY, 'Hello' to VALUE
    • Insert 'var2' to KEY, 'World' to VALUE
  4. Click Send button and receive the following returned output in SoJF (Standard OpenHub JSON Format):
    "status": "success",
    "meta": {
        "input": {
            "var1": "Hello",
            "var2": "World"
    "msg": "",
    "data": "Hello World"


SoJF stands for 'Standard OpenHub JSON Format'. OpenHub output JSON in its own standard format. Please make sure you following this whenever you are output a JSON in not just WAPI, but in any module action too.

    "status": "fail",
    "msg": "Unknown error, something go wrong"


    "status": "success",
    "meta": {
        "input": {
            "var1": "Hello",
            "var2": "World"
    "msg": "",
    "data": "Hello World"


  "status": "success",
  "meta": {
    "input": {
      "var1FromPost": "abc",
      "var2FromPost": "def",
      "output": {
        "total": 2
  "msg": "Everything works fine",
  "data": [
      "orderId": "99",
      "productTitle": "4K LED TV",
      "deliveryLocation": "Cyberjaya, Malaysia",
      "buyerName": "Allen Tan"
      "orderId": "88",
      "productTitle": "Playstation 4",
      "deliveryLocation": "KLIA, Malaysia",
      "buyerName": "Foo Bar"

API Gateway

MaGIC Central used tyk.io, an open source API Gateway to expose API available for external developers. MaGIC do not have the capacity to host and maintain an API gateway internally.

TYK Backend

The backend can be access from https://admin.cloud.tyk.io/

Catalog & Policy

  • One Policy for one Catalog only. Make sure the policy name and catalog are corresponding to each others
  • Do not remove/delete Policy!
  • One API can attach to multiple policy, only API with authentication will show in the list

Adding a new API

  1. Add new API
    • apiName: getAllLegalForms
    • apiSlug: getAllLegalForms
    • targetUrl: https://api-central.mymagic.my/v1/getAllLegalForms (make sure it start with https, mapping https to http will not pass the POST value when called)
    • Authentication: AUTH Token
  2. Add API to Policy
  3. Test with Postman
  4. Insert API into swagger.io
  5. Export to unresolved json
  6. Copy paste into the tyk.io related documentation under the catalog (delete if pre-exists)


Protect WAPI Swagger

TODO This interface should be accessible by your internal developers but not public.

Whitelist API Gateway IPs



Enable this to protect all your API call in WAPI with HTTP Basic Auth.

Basic auth features no encryption or obfuscation beyond a base64 transport encoding. Usage of SSL is advised in order to ensure the confidentiality of login credentials.

Modify protected/.env file:

  • ENFORCE_API_SSL to true
  • ENABLE_API_AUTH to true
  • API_USERNAME to api or any other name
  • API_PASSWORD to a random secure password

When query in Postman, make sure you have selected Basic Auth and inserted the correct credential in Authorization tab. HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized is return when Basic Auth failed.


If test in browser and you keep getting popup asking for username and password, make sure the following code exists in your public_html/.htaccess RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

Module API

API is supported in OpenHub module architecture. More information available at Module Web API. Module's API definition is stored in: protected/modules/[moduleCode]/api/[moduleCode].yaml and will automatically parsed by WAPI to display in the swagger interface.