TODO - mykeln/tempo GitHub Wiki
From TrainingPeaks API, pull all workouts for all history (can do this via dump to CSV, too)
Gather the unique workouts based on Description. They're all roughly the same. Sorting in Excel plus some minor manual work should take care of it. Ending workout data: type (bike, off, strength) + warmup + description + cooldown + extra description + code + planned duration
Based on historical data, manually plot out rough monthly breakdown. include weight training in appropriate winter months
Gather test results to determine current long and short power numbers
Figure out training "groups" i.e. which months are FTP, VO2, AC, Sprints, usual test weekends, etc.
Develop week blocks shaped around these groups i.e. FTP week = 4x10s, then 3x20s, then 2x30s on Tues/Thurs, then test at the end, etc.
Crunch power numbers and dynamically develop target power for specific workouts
After a test day, ask the user if they're working on FTP or VO2 (i.e. long power, or short power). This determines the next 'block' of workouts (4 weeks). Store a cookie that expires on the next test day, so the next choice can be made. Add support so if the cookie is ever deleted, it'll re-ask the user and resume wherever it left off.
Figure out a way to continually store workout historical data. As it stands now, it can take already-existing data and extrapolate, but not store that as what happened.
- Dynamically adapt to a race schedule to lighten a week, or do a prep, etc.