Installation - mygizli04/ExternalDash-2 GitHub Wiki

Clone the repo

  1. Go to the repository page.
  2. Click the green "Code" button.
  3. Choose your preferred way of downloading the repo. (If unsure, click "Download ZIP" and unzip it somewhere.)

Install node.js

Install dependencies

  1. Open terminal/cmd
  2. Navigate to the correct directory. (type "cd" and drag the folder into the window, then press enter)

ExternalDash 2 offers an optional username/password based authentication which can log you into minehut without any additional software/service/effort. This requires puppeteer which takes more storage space and slows down installation. You can choose not to install this package, but you will lose the ability to login with a username/password.

If you would not like username/password auth: npm install --no-optional

If you would like username/password auth: npm install


npm start

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️