Command line options - mygizli04/ExternalDash-2 GitHub Wiki
ExternalDash 2 provides command line options for almost every functionality so you don't have to go through menus anymore.
Available options:
Name | Option | Aliases | Description | Possible values |
Login | --login | -l | Which authentication mode should be used for logging in | minetron, har, usernamepassword* |
Minetron token | --minetrontoken | -token, -t | What minetron token should be used when logging into minehut. | Any 36 character long string |
Minehut username | --username | -u, -user | What username/email should be used when logging into minehut via email/password | Any string |
Minehut password | --password | -p, -pass | What password should be used when logging into minehut via email/password | Any string |
HAR file | --harfile | -h, -file, -har | What HAR file should be used when logging into minehut via HAR file | Any string |
Server | --server | -s | Which server you would like to work on | Any string |
Start | --start | Start selected server | Nothing | |
Display menu | --menu | -m | Display menu even if an action is specified through command line options | Nothing |
Show console | --console | -log | Show console of the selected server. | Nothing |
*: Might not be available