03. Create new unitIDs as many as required - myflashlab/Admob-ANE GitHub Wiki

Every ad type that you will show in your mobile app, has a unique id called unitId. You can create as many unitIds as you wish. Before being able to create new unitIds, you need to have created a new app in your Admob console. If you have not done that, please read Step 2.

You can always add as many new ad formats as you wish to your Admob app but V1.0.0 of Admob ANE supports Banners and Interstitial ads only.

In the process of creating a new Admob app, you were asked to select the type of Ad you wish to add. but you can create new ones if you open your Admob app and click on the red button which reads new ad unit.

Admob monetize your app

So, when you click that button, you will be taken to a page where you can select the type of ad you wish to add. complete the form based on your needs and when done, write down the unitId string because you will need it later in the ANE when you are initializing a Banner or Interstitial ad.