Linux基础 - myfe/training-camp GitHub Wiki
命令 |
简介 | 链接 |
pwd | 显示当前目录 | 链接 |
cat / less | 显示所有文本内容 / 查看文件 | 链接 |
cp | 拷贝 | 链接 |
mv | 移动文件路径 / 重命名 | 链接 |
touch | 创建文件 / 修改文件访问时间 | 链接 |
mkdir | 创建文件夹 | 链接 |
rm / rmdir | 删除文件 / 文件夹 | 链接 |
head / tail | 输出文件的开头/结尾 | 链接 |
以上命令都可使用man查看更详细的使用文档,如 man ls
LS(1) BSD General Commands Manual LS(1)
ls -- list directory contents
ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUW@abcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]
For each operand that names a file of a type other than directory, ls displays its name as well as any
requested, associated information. For each operand that names a file of type directory, ls displays
the names of files contained within that directory, as well as any requested, associated information.
If no operands are given, the contents of the current directory are displayed. If more than one oper-
and is given, non-directory operands are displayed first; directory and non-directory operands are
sorted separately and in lexicographical order.
The following options are available:
-@ Display extended attribute keys and sizes in long (-l) output.
-1 (The numeric digit ``one''.) Force output to be one entry per line. This is the default when
output is not to a terminal.
-A List all entries except for . and ... Always set for the super-user.
-a Include directory entries whose names begin with a dot (.).
-B Force printing of non-printable characters (as defined by ctype(3) and current locale settings)
in file names as \xxx, where xxx is the numeric value of the character in octal.
-b As -B, but use C escape codes whenever possible.
-C Force multi-column output; this is the default when output is to a terminal.
-c Use time when file status was last changed for sorting (-t) or long printing (-l).
-d Directories are listed as plain files (not searched recursively).
大多数程序命令安装之后,都可以用 --help 查看参数和介绍,如nvm --help
实时查看服务器的日志文件,用tail命令tail -f ~/logs/test.log
,tail -f
会把 test.log 文件里的最尾部的内容显示在屏幕上,并且不断刷新,只要 test.log 更新就可以看到最新的文件内容。
linux的文件权限可以通过 ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 caoxueying staff 1882 6 3 16:10
chmod 777
chmod 命令的参数采用八进制代表文件权限,具体的参数对应权限如下:
八进制 | 二进制 | 文件模式 |
0 | 000 | --- |
1 | 001 | --x |
2 | 010 | -w- |
3 | 011 | -wx |
4 | 100 | r-- |
5 | 101 | r-x |
6 | 110 | rw- |
7 | 111 | rwx |
一般情况,直接编辑根目录下的某些文件,保存时会提示你只有读权限而无法保存。 此时,需要切换管理员身份执行命令(sudo + 命令):
# 编辑/新建根目录下的文件
sudo vim /data/webapps/test
命令 | 简介 |
链接 |
ps | 显示当前所有进程运行情况 | 链接 |
top | 实时显示当前所有任务资源占用情况 | 链接 |
kill -9 | 结束进程 | 链接 |
程序启动失败,有时候是因为端口占用,使用 lsof 命令检查:
~ lsof -i:8080
Google 371 caoxueying 25u IPv4 0xf533b4e176032429 0t0 TCP localhost:64961->localhost:http-alt (CLOSE_WAIT)
Google 371 caoxueying 27u IPv4 0xf533b4e197ba4aa9 0t0 TCP localhost:64962->localhost:http-alt (CLOSE_WAIT)
Google 371 caoxueying 31u IPv4 0xf533b4e182176da9 0t0 TCP localhost:64996->localhost:http-alt (CLOSE_WAIT)
Google 371 caoxueying 33u IPv4 0xf533b4e176772129 0t0 TCP localhost:64997->localhost:http-alt (CLOSE_WAIT)
WeChat 25420 caoxueying 31u IPv6 0xf533b4e19c3f06e9 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
node 89655 caoxueying 23u IPv6 0xf533b4e1aacacd69 0t0 TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
~ lsof -i:8080 | grep node
node 89655 caoxueying 23u IPv6 0xf533b4e1aacacd69 0t0 TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
如果如上所示,8080端口被占用,可以使用kill -9 PID
~ kill -9 89655
命令 | 简介 |
链接 |
ssh | 远程登录服务器 | 链接 |
netstat | 查看网络系统的状态信息 | 链接 |
ping | 测试主机之间网络的连通性。向目标主机发送数据包,网络设备收到数据包后会回应。 | 链接 |
curl | 各种类型网络请求,文件上传下载 | 链接 |
命令 | 简介 |
链接 |
gzip / gunzip | 文件压缩解压缩命令 操作后原文件会被输出文件替代 | 链接 |
tar |
-cf 创建名为test-dir.tar的归档文件,该文件内包含test-dir文件夹所有内容
tar -cf test-dir.tar test-dir
-tf 列出归档文件中所有文件
tar -tf test-dir.tar
-xf 从归档文件中提取到当前路径
tar -xf test-dir.tar
链接 |
zip / unzip | zip压缩解压缩,用于和windows系统交换文件zip -r test-dir unzip
链接 |
快捷键 | 简介 |
Ctrl + A | 移动光标到行首 |
Ctrl + E | 移动光标到行尾 |
Ctrl + L / Command + K | 清屏 |
tab | 自动补齐 按两次展示所有可用补齐 |
Ctrl + R | 搜索历史命令 |