Guide Reference Design - myazzurro/msr-wiki GitHub Wiki

An ONetSwitch dedicates to networking applications, as what the product name implies. The 'All-Programmable' allows the users to get any of their inspiration realized by customizing the gateware and/or the software.
Reference designs here would help you

  • to comprehend the usage of board components in different cases
  • to avoid developing from scratch, especially for beginners
  • to share your mind and contribute to our community

The letter 'O' in the product name stands for 'Open'.
We invite you to share when in such complicated network development.

###Project List

  • NIC
    A host running Linux with all Ethernet ports as its NICs.
  • Switch
    A traditional Layer 2 switch, running without Linux.
  • OpenFlowSwitch(SW)
    A vSwitch running OpenFlow, simply on a host with NIC.
  • OpenFlowSwitch(HW)
    A hardware accelerated OFS, with both HW and SW flow tables.