Guide Hardware Design - myazzurro/msr-wiki GitHub Wiki
The design for ONetSwitch hardware, i.e. the FPGA part as Programmable Logic, commonly follows a Xilinx Vivado flow.
Here we provide a reference tcl script and folder structure, which show a guideline to manage the project generation and organization in Vivado, with IP package and block design integration.
All of our Getting-Started projects and reference designs are organized in this way.
###Tcl Script
#####Project Root
The folder is assigned as the ROOT, when it originally contains following
- myproj (folder) stores all the design sources and tcl.
- myproj.tcl (script) to generate the project.
#####IP Designs
All the design sources of user IPs are listed in the folder ROOT/myproj/ip.
The IPs should be managed in each subfolder, e.g.,
ROOT/myproj/ip/my_ip_0, ROOT/myproj/ip/my_ip_1, ... ROOT/myproj/ip/my_ip_n
In each IP folder, e.g., ROOT/myproj/ip/my_ip_n, contains typically
- src (folder) contains all design sources - hdl, netlist..
- my_ip_n.tcl (script) to package single IP to a zip for an IP-repository.
To generate or modify my_ip_n.tcl, please follow the Vivado IP flow.
#####IP Repository
The script myproj.tcl fetches the ip_list and then sources all the my_ip_n.tcl, storing the zip in a newly created folder ip-repo in the ROOT.
The ip-repo is a runtime folder for IP generation and package.
Modify the ip_list variable in "myproj.tcl" to add IPs to your block design.
#####Block Design
Only one block design can be supported in this tcl script.
The system block design can be created by sourcing ROOT/myproj/bd/myproj_bd.tcl
The myproj.tcl automatically generates the wrapper for the block design.
The myproj_bd.tcl can be generated by running write_bd_tcl after a complete block design in Vivado. Please follow Vivado tcl scripting guide for details.
#####Sources and Constraints
Common hdl, netlist and constraint files can be stored and organized in ROOT/myproj/sources and ROOT/myproj/constrs
Hierarchical folder structure is allowed.
Simply modify the source_files and constr_files variables in myproj.tcl to add these sources to your design.
#####Project Generation
In the Vivado tcl shell, change directory to the ROOT and simply source the tcl. e.g.,
source myproj.tcl
The tcl collects all IPs, blockdesign(s), common hdl/netlist/constraints and
then generates the project.
Synthesis and implementation flows can be added after that.
#####Project Cleanup Manually (and carefully) delete all files and folders except following
- myproj (folder) stores all the design sources and tcl.
- myproj.tcl (script) to generate the project.