Software Build - myak555/EALIOR_Keyboard GitHub Wiki

This build tested in both VSCode and Arduino IDE 1.8.12. The tested boards are Sparkfun Micro Pro with ATMega32U4 3.3V and 5.0V processors. There is no reason why this should not work on other common boards that have ATMega32U4, such as Leonardo. The software is using the standard Keyboard Arduino library and will not work on boards that do not support HID natively.

  1. In Arduino IDE, install Low-Power library:
  2. Set board as Sparkfun Micro Pro, processor as needed
  3. In EALIOR_Hardware.hpp, select ports to match your hardware
  4. Build and upload as normal (holding down reset is necessary!)

#define _EALIOR_KEY_0_ 4

#define _EALIOR_KEY_1_ 5

#define _EALIOR_KEY_2_ 6

#define _EALIOR_KEY_3_ 7

#define _EALIOR_KEY_4_ 8

#define _EALIOR_KEY_5_ 9

#define _THUMB_KEY_LEFT_ 16

#define _THUMB_KEY_RIGHT_ 10

#define _LED_LEFT_ 15

#define _LED_RIGHT_ 14

To build your own key layout, use example from /Layout_Russian_Standard/ The generated file is specified in file EALIOR_Decoder.cpp as:

// Presumes standard keyboard driver for classic ЙЦУКЕН keyboard

#include "keymapRusStandard.h"