Tutorial open5GS v2.3.6 - my5G/my5G-RANTester GitHub Wiki

This documentation and the code is based on project developed by Supreeth Herle with some modifications. The link of the project is presented below:

Docker engine

To install docker on your favorite OS, you can follow instruction here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install

Docker compose

You also need to install docker compose as detailed here: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

1- First builds the image of open5gs v2.3.6:
git clone https://github.com/my5G/docker_open5gs
cd docker_open5gs/base
docker build --no-cache --force-rm -t docker_open5gs .
2- Set your configurations in .env:
DOCKER_HOST_IP=This is the IP address of the your host running the docker
3- To execute the open5gs v2.3.6 in docker, use the docker-compose and command below:
docker_open5gs$ set -a
docker_open5gs$ source .env
docker_open5gs$ docker-compose build --no-cache
docker_open5gs$ docker-compose up -d
4- Check if all containers are healthy using the command below:
docker ps -a
5- Register a UE information in http://<host_IP>:3000 (WEB UI) using the parameters set in tester.yaml. Credentials for acessing WEB UI is shown below:
Username : admin
Password : 1423
6- Building the my5G-RANTester image:
git clone https://github.com/my5G/open5gs-my5G-RANTester-docker.git
cd open5gs-my5G-RANTester-docker
docker build -f nf_tester/Dockerfile --tag my5grantester:latest .
7- Change the configuration in tester.yaml file to select the given test. For more information about the tests available here
8- Start Wireshark to capture any traffic with ngap || sctp || nas and visualize procedures for registration of UE
9- Execute the my5G-RANTester with robustness and conformance tests in the same directory of the item 6 (to connect with open5gs):
open5gs-my5G-RANTester-docker$ docker-compose up -d
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