Installation Routine - my-accounts/accounts GitHub Wiki
First of all, get files from this repository to your machine and build it. Once build is successful, you may upload files to your hosting. You'll require to upload the following folders and files:
- /bin/.
- /Content/.
- /Files/.
- /Views/.
- /Web.config
- /Global.asax
- /favicon.ico
There are two folders within /Files directory. The both require write permissions to be set.
Please make sure your hosting is set to .NET 4.0 runtime (or more recent).
Depending on configuration of your hosting server, you may need several libraries, if the do not present in your hosting's GAC. These libraries are stored in /Misc/LIB/GAC-Deployment folder, so in simple scenario you may just simply copy them both into /bin/ folder on your server(or alternatively you may set CopyLocal attribute to true to have them within your bin directory automatically with each build)
You may find 2 initial scripts in /Misc/DB folder - one for security database, another is main script for program. You may execute the both into the same database, or use separate databases (recommended).
You also need to call Accounts_Init stored procedure from the main database, it will add prerequisites. This proc is customizable, you may find useful information on how to use within its text.
Further please specify connection strings in the web.config file. "DefaultConnection" stays for you security database, "local" is for main program's database.
After you've done all previous steps, you may run My Accounts from where you've configured in on web server. Logon screen will welcome you if all steps were done correctly.
Security membership database comes with one user created by default. Logon as user with password 123456.
Now you need to set at least one company (if that was not done before by Accounts_init proc). In order to do that you need to go to Settings page / General and process. You may also alter the date of financial year start (works for all companies, not per each, for the moment).
And the last step, upload your CSV files from online banking. For the moment the only statements supported are those from HSBC Business.
As an additional but highly recommended step I would suggest to change default password. In order to do that please follow to "User Cabinet" clicking top right and picking up "User" from popping menu.
You may also add extra user from Register page. By default this page is hidden from menus and can be accessed at ~/User/Register/ after it is enabled in UserController.cs (simply uncomment line 47 - 51 and recompile / re-upload)
If all previous steps were done correctly - you may enjoy using My Accounts now!