Class 32 Reading: Socket.IO Client with React - mwilkin-401-advanced-javascript/bend-javascript-401d2 GitHub Wiki
Why Socket.IO?
Real-time event responsiveness:
* The server will stream data down to the client as it becomes available; no web page refreshing necessary
* Not relying on the client to decide when to get data from the server. creates a WebSocket service quickly which are duplex channels between the client and server.
- WebSockets have the ability to work with an event-driven model: both the server and the client can react to events and messages.
- The most important thing to do on the server is to handle a connection of a client, so that events can be emitted (published) to that client.
Socket.IO is not a WebSocket implementation
* “Socket.IO indeed uses WebSocket as a transport when possible but a WebSocket client will not be able to connect to a Socket.IO server, and a Socket.IO client will not be able to connect to a WebSocket server” -authors of Socket.IO
Most important method while working with Socket.IO is on().
Takes two arguments:
- the name of the event
- A callback which will be executed after every connection event.