Parallel - mwicat/personal GitHub Wiki

Run script on all hosts

parallel -S host1,host2 --onall --basefile testscript ::: ./testscript > out
parallel --slf hostsfile --onall --basefile testscript ::: ./testscript > out

Distribute STDIN

cat giantfile.txt | parallel -j 8 --pipe mycommand

Distribute file

parallel -a giantfile.txt -j 8 --pipepart mycommand

parallel command

cat urls.lst | parallel -j100 wget {}
parallel -k echo ssh -n {} hostname ::: host{1..4}
  • -k - keep same order

parallel scp to many hosts

parallel-scp -r -h ~/hosts/hosts.txt foo.txt /home/irb2/foo.txt

parallel ssh

              Display output as it arrives.  This option is of limited usefulness because output from different hosts are interleaved.
              Read input and send to each ssh process.  Since ssh allows a command script to be sent on standard input, the -I option may be used in lieu of the command argument.

parallel-ssh -P -h all_hosts grep test_host '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*'

parallel-ssh -P -h hosts.lst hostname

parallel-ssh -o results -H host1 -H host2 hostname

parallel --tagstring {} -k ssh -n {} hostname ::: host{1..4}

cat hosts | parallel --files --results outdir ssh -n {} 'cat /var/log/* | gzip'

parallel sniff

python parallel-ssh -h hosts -o results tcpdump -i any -s 0 -U -n -w - 'tcp port 80'

rsync from

parallel rsync -avz '{}:/var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log*' {}/ << hosts

rsync to

cat hosts | parallel rsync -avz src {}:dest