JSON - mwicat/personal GitHub Wiki


sudo apt install jq

Get all items under key

$ k get pod mypod -o yaml | yq -y '.. | .resources? //empty'
  cpu: '1'
  memory: 1Gi
  cpu: '1'
  memory: 1Gi

Find all objects under given key name


𝑸: What is the equivalent of XPath's // expression? How can I find the value of a given key, no matter how deeply nested the object is? How can I find the path to a slot?

Get values of all keys named "resources" and print together with root element

yq -y '. as $parent | .. | .resources? //empty | $parent.metadata, .' < skaffold_render.yaml

List keys

cat document.json | jq keys

For each key in document, extract mappings/doc/properties/tags

cat document.json | jq '.[] | .mappings.doc.properties.tags

Canonical representation (with sort keys)

python -c 'import json, sys; print(json.dumps(json.load(sys.stdin), sort_keys=True, indent=4))' < m1.json


sudo cpan install JSON::PP
json_pp -json_opt pretty,canonical < $1