Graphite - mwicat/personal GitHub Wiki
Send test metric to graphite
echo "local.random.diceroll 4 $(date +%s)" | nc server 2003
Send test metric to graphite via local statsd
echo "deploys.test.myservice:1|c" | nc -w 1 -u localhost 8125
Dump metric data in whisper /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/mymetric/counters/nginx/response/200/count.wsp
Grep metric for values
wget -q -O- 'http://myhost/render/?target=mymetric.count&format=csv' | egrep ',1000.0'
Show last 10 values for metric in console
curl 'http://myhost/render/?target=mymetric.counters.nginx.response.200.count&format=csv' -s | tail -10
Remove metric
rm -rf /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/mymetric
If you want to get rid of metric, stop service e.g. diamon from pushing it and also remember to restart statsd because it will keep pushing empty values and thus recreating metric in whisper!
Find metric
curl 'http://yourhost/metrics/find?query=yourpath.*' | jq -r '.[] | .text'
Watch logs
find /opt/graphite -name '*.log' | xargs tail -F
Sniff what is being sent to graphite
tcpdump -s0 -w- tcp dst port 2003 | strings
Sniff what is being sent to statsd
tcpdump -s0 -w- udp dst port 8125 | strings