Elasticsearch - mwicat/personal GitHub Wiki
Show cluster health in kibana
Update document
echo '{"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": false}' | http -a 'username:password' PUT 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_settings'
Cluster health
curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health/
Show unassigned indices
curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason | grep UNASSIGNED
Get index list
curl 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
Get index mapping
curl 'http://localhost:9200/logstash-*/_mapping'
Get one document
curl 'http://localhost:9200/yourindex/_search?size=1&pretty=1'
Insert document
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/twitter/_doc/1?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"user" : "kimchy",
"post_date" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
"message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
Filter AND with count
"track_scores": true,
"sort": [
"@timestamp": "desc"
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"request": "value1"
"term": {
"request": "value2"
"term": {
"request": "value3"
sudo pip install elasticsearch elasticsearch-dsl
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
server = 'localhost:9020'
auth = 'user', 'pass'
index = 'index'
timespan = '1h'
limit = 100
es = Elasticsearch(server, http_auth=auth, timeout=60)
search = Search(using=es, index=index)
s = search.query('range', **{'@timestamp': {'gt': 'now-%s' % timespan}})
s = s[:limit]
results = [x._d_ for x in s]