Click - mwicat/personal GitHub Wiki

Single main command

pip3 install click
import click

@click.option('--count', default=1, help='Number of greetings.')
@click.option('--name', prompt='Your name',
              help='The person to greet.')
def hello(count, name):
    """Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times."""
    for x in range(count):
        click.echo('Hello %s!' % name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Multiple Subcommands

import click
@click.option('--debug/--no-debug', default=False)
def cli(ctx, debug):
    # ensure that ctx.obj exists and is a dict (in case `cli()` is called
    # by means other than the `if` block below)

    ctx.obj['DEBUG'] = debug

def sync(ctx):
    click.echo('Debug is %s' % (ctx.obj['DEBUG'] and 'on' or 'off'))

if __name__ == '__main__':