Measurement Instructions - mwgeurts/viewray_fielduniformity GitHub Wiki
The following steps illustrate how to acquire and process 90 degree SNC IC Profiler measurements on the ViewRay MRIdian treatment system. Similar measurements may be acquired at different gantry angles using the same reference profile so long as the IC Profiler is set up the same way relative to the entrance beam.
- Set up the IC Profiler
- Orient the IC Profiler in the Sagittal Position
- Analyze Field Uniformity Data
Set up the IC Profiler
- Attach the SNC IC Profiler to the IC Profiler jig
- Connect the IC Profiler to the Physics Workstation using the designated cable
- Launch the SNC Profiler software on the Physics Workstation
- Select the most recent Dose calibration from the dropdown box
- Select the most recent array Calibration from the dropdown box
- Verify the mode is continuous by clicking the Control menu
Orient the IC Profiler in the Sagittal Position
- Place the SNC Profiler jig on the couch at virtual isocenter and orient the jig in the Sagittal orientation, as shown
- The top of the profiler will be facing the IEC+X axis
- The electronics will be on the facing upwards (IEC+Y axis)
- Place an aluminum level on the front face of the IC Profiler
- Verify the profiler is parallel with the IEC Sagittal plane
- Use the leveling feet on the jig to adjust if necessary
- Laterally adjust the jig until the overhead IEC X laser is aligned to the front face of the IC Profiler
- Record the current couch position
- Use the Couch Control Panel to move the couch and IC Profiler +0.9 cm in the IEC+X direction
- The detector plane of the IC Profiler should now be at isocenter
- Vertically and Longitudinally align the IC Profiler to the crosshairs using the wall IEC Y and IEC Z laser
- Press the ENABLE and ISO buttons on the Couch Control Panel to move the couch from virtual to mechanical isocenter
- On the ViewRay TPDS, select Tools > QA Procedure and select the Calibration tab
- Select an arbitrary phantom and click Load Phantom
- Under Beam Setup and Controls, select Head 3
- Set Delivery Angle to 90 degrees
- Under MLC Setup, set the following MLC positions: X1/Y1 = -13.65 cm, X2/Y2 = +13.65 cm
- Click Set Shape to apply the MLC positions
- Enter 30 seconds as the Beam-On Time
- Click Prepare Beam Setup
- Click Enable Beam On
- On the Treatment Control Panel, wait for the ready light to appear, then press Beam On
- In the SNC Profiler software, click Start
- When asked if the new measurement is continuous, click Yes
- Wait for the beam to be delivered
- Click Stop on the Profiler Software
- Enter the delivery parameters and save the file
- Click on the Setup tab
- Enter the gantry angle
- Set the SSD to 100 cm
- Check Symmetric Collimators
- Enter the field size as 27.3 cm x 27.3 cm
- Click on the General tab
- Under Description, type Head #, where # is the head number (1 in this instance)
- Click OK
- When asked to save the file, choose Multi-Frame type and save the results to H1 G90 27p3.prm
- Repeat for Heads 2 and 3
Analyze Field Uniformity Data
- Execute the
in MATLAB - Under Head 1, click Browse to load the SNC IC Profiler H1 G90 27p3.prm Multi-Frame export
- Continue to load the remaining heads
- Review the resulting profile comparisons and statistics
- Verify that each profile looks as expected and that no data points (particularly those in the central 80% of the field) appear distorted due to noise or measurement error
- Verify that the MLC X and Y flatness and areal symmetry are within +/- 2% of their baseline values for all three heads
- Verify that the time difference between the Expected and Measured beam on time are within 0.1 seconds
- Click Print Report to generate a PDF report for documentation in the QMP