Standup: 9 29 - mwdion/WineCrush GitHub Wiki

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What are your plans for today?
  3. Roadblocks
  1. Yesterday I finished menu CRUD, Wine CRUD, and manipulated relationships.
  2. Today I need to:

-Figure out how to display only current_user wines/menus

-Figure out how to redirect inside the menu controller to different pages upon creation of a menu because when a restaurant creates a menu it should populate the restaurant dash and when a user creates a menu it should populate the user dashboard.

-Figure out how to make the menu created by the restaurant viewable by a user.

-Figure out how to change the format of the wine creation form so that it is not all text boxes, but drop downs and scrollable years.

-Figure out how to allow the restaurant to only display certain wines out of the db.

  1. I think the only problem I foresee is how to make the menu created by the restaurant viewable by the user. I believe the way I have it set up won't allow me to do that. All the other issues I think are easily fixable.