WebSQL (The M Project 1.x) - mwaylabs/The-M-Project GitHub Wiki
Normally, when people think of persistence in the web environment they think of some kind of RDBMS like MySQL, helping to persist the data. But to store data in such a database you need to have ad DBMS running and you need a connector for the language you're coding with. Wouldn't it be nice to have a SQL database built into the browser and store the data on the client side, like we can do with the LocalStorage?
Yes it would, some people were thinking and implemented something called WebSQL (the story can be extended, but that's not the point here). WebSQL defines a way to store data inside a SQL database inside the browser. To be exact, it is a SQLite database. The last fact is one of the reason why this (at least at first glance) wonderful idea is already deprecated: being dependent on one technology (vendor) (here: SQLite) is a bad prerequisite for a standardization process. We will no longer mind about this, as long as the WebKit Engine's and the mobile browsers got it built in. Right now iOS 4 and Android 2.2 got it.