User manual - mvsd/futsalpro GitHub Wiki
As of yet, the user interface only supports Hungarian. English translation is not planned unless requested.
The creators of this program are far from domain experts regarding futsal, so nobody should expect a fully UEFA compliant application.
Getting the program
The easiest way to get started with the application is to download a binary distribution from the repository.
If you need to compile the projects, you need to configure an Eclipse Modelling Tools (Juno) installation with the following extensions:
- EMF-IncQuery(update site)
- Yakindu Statecharts (update site)
- Xtend 2.3 (update site)
- OPTIONAL: WindowBuilder Pro (from Eclipse Juno update site - search for WindowBuilder) If the projects have built without errors, futsal-application.product should be run in the package "" (initially you can do this from the product's editor page, "overview" tab, with the link "Launch an Eclipse application").
Starting the program
Starting the application pops up a splash screen, that is showed until the data structures and the user interface is initialized, and global data is loaded from the database. If the databse is not available, the application will still start after a longer period of repeated connection attempts, without any pre-loaded data.
Setting up the match
There are multiple sections on the first screen, each providing different configuration options. The top-left group of settings control the championship, season, round, section, category, age group, and time of the match.
In the top-right corner, one can set the location of the match, the three referees (main referee and two assistants), and optionally a supervisor. Every entry can be filled with a pre-registered person from the database, or a custom participant with the dialog that opens upon clicking the bottom-most entry in the drop-down list.
The main section of the screens sets up the teams. As before, all of the entries can be filled with data from the databse, or custom participants and teams. The pre-registered players only appear in the list if their team is selected first.
Since substitutes and crew members can be any number, the green plus sign can be used to add entries to those sections. The red minus signs can be used to remove them in turn.
It is not possible to select a person multiple times, unless he is a custom entry. Captains can only be selected from players already set. If the team is changed after setting the pre-registered players, they become custom entries, and cannot regain their connection to the database.
Clicking the start button on the bottom of the screen checks if every entry has been filled, and shows an informative error message regarding any possible errors. If no errors are detected, the user interface switches to the scoreboard.
The scoreboard
The scoreboard is an interactive screen that can be used to register events during the actual game time. It always shows the current statistics of the match, such as the score of each team, faults committed, substitutions, remaining timeouts, and players currentrly on the field.
After starting the timer with the Start button, a number of buttons become enabled.
The number with the clock sign on it, on the left side of the timer can be used to rest the time to any legal value (that is, between 0 seconds and the theoretical end of the match, regarding the current scores). Resetting a clock to a previous point in time undoes the events registered after that point. On the right side, with a yellow arrow, a button can be used to undo the last registered event. The timer itself can be clicked as well, which pauses or resumes it depending on the current state. Resetting the time is only possible when the timer is paused.
Clicking any buttons on the upper side of the interface triggers an event corresponding to the row in which the button is, presetting the team of which side was clicked. Timeouts are only available when the timer is paused. A goal (green plus sign), fault (red cross) or substitution (yellow arrows) can also be registered with the buttons next to each player, which presets the corresponding player in the displaying dialog.
Requesting a timeout results in a minute of break, with a counter showing the time left. When the time is up, a sound will signal that the match can be continued. The same signal can be heard after a team reaches 5 faults.
At the end of a part, the timer will automatically stop. From the second half, the results of the first half will also be shown on the scoreboard. If there is a tie at the end of the second half, two brief extra parts will be added to the game time, without any more opportunities to request a timeout. After the end of the match, events can still be registered, but the timer cannot be reset anymore. Clicking the finish button switches to the results screen.
The results
On the results screen, the HTML report of the match is shown (the CSS fromatting requires a network connection). A few functions are avaiable as well: one can save the HTML report, send it to a service which return a permanent link to the report, send it to another service which creates a PDF detailed report, and after that, it is also possible to save the generated PDF report.
After finishing with the report, it is possible to start a new match, or quit. Starting a new match will switch back to the first screen, reinitialize everything, and also download data from the database again, so it may take a few seconds to see the first screen again.
NOTE: The aforementioned online services are only available from inside the FTSRG private network. Attempting to use them will result in a long connection attempt and then an error message.