Style parameter changes for 4.4 - musescore/MuseScore GitHub Wiki
This page lists style settings that were added, renamed, or had their default values changed between the releases of MuseScore 4.3 and 4.4.
Note: two settings, alignAccidentalsLeft
and fretDotSize
, have been marked as obsolete/deprecated (but have not yet been explicitly removed).
Setting | XML Name | 4.3 Default | 4.4 Default | Reference PR |
Lyrics - Dash - Max. dash length | lyricsDashMaxLength |
0.8sp | 0.6sp | #22181 |
Lyrics - Extension line - Line gap | lyricsMelismaPad |
0.1sp | 0.2sp | #23625 |
Lyrics - Dash - Vertical position | lyricsDashYposRatio |
60% | 50% | #22181 |
Measures - Padding - Clef to key signature | clefKeyDistance |
1.0sp | 0.75sp | #22853 |
Measures - Padding - Barline to note | barNoteDistance |
1.3sp | 1.25sp | #23624 |
Notes - Accidental distance | accidentalDistance |
0.22sp | 0.25sp | #21042 |
Dynamics & hairpins - Hairpins - Position above - Y | hairpinPosAbove |
-2.0sp | -1.75sp | #23625 |
Dynamics & hairpins - Hairpins - Position below - Y | hairpinPosBelow |
2.0sp | 1.75sp | #23625 |
hairpinLinePosAbove |
(0, -1.5) | (0, -1) | #23625 | |
hairpinLinePosBelow |
(0, 2.5) | (0, 2) | #23625 | |
Text styles - Pedal - Size | pedalFontSize |
12pt | 10pt | #20934 |
pedalContinueText |
(<sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym>) |
<sym>keyboardPedalParensLeft</sym><sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym><sym>keyboardPedalParensRight</sym> |
#20934 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Fret spacing | fretFretSpacing |
0.8sp | 0.7sp | #23381 |
Rests - Multimeasure rests - H-bar margin within barlines | multiMeasureRestMargin |
1.2sp | 1.25sp | #23624 |
Fretboard diagrams - Fretboard diagrams - Barré - Line thickness | barreLineWidth |
100% | 85% | #23381 |
Dynamics - Position above - Y | dynamicsPosAbove |
-1.5sp | -1.0sp | #23625 |
Dynamics - Position below - Y | dynamicsPosBelow |
-2.5sp | -2.0sp | #23625 |
Text styles - Repeat text left - Size | repeatLeftFontSize |
18pt | 11pt | #21758 |
systemTextLineFontSize |
12pt | 10pt | #22866 | |
Text styles - Header - Size | headerFontSize |
11pt | 9pt | #23756 |
Text styles - Header - Style | headerFontStyle |
Bold | Normal | #23756 |
Text styles - Sticking - Align | stickingAlign |
Left | Center | #23825 |
Text styles - Sticking - Position above - Y | stickingPosAbove |
-2sp | -1sp | #23825 |
Setting | XML Name | Default | Description | Reference PR |
Lyrics - Dash - Restate dash before syllable on first note of system | lyricsShowDashIfSyllableOnFirstNote |
true | #22434 | |
Lyrics - Extension line - Omit extension line when space is limited | lyricsMelismaForce |
false | #22434 | |
Lyrics - Extension line - Min. line length | lyricsMelismaMinLength |
1.0sp | #22434 | |
Lyrics - Dash - Dash placement at the start of the system | lyricsDashPosAtStartOfSystem |
Standard / Inside the header / Under the first note | matches previous behaviour | #22434 |
Notes - Alignment in chords - Combine voices that share the same stem direction | combineVoice |
true | #23001 | |
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Keep accidentals close to offset notes | accidentalOrderFollowsNoteDisplacement |
false | #21042 | |
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Align accidentals an octave apart across subchords | alignAccidentalOctavesAcrossSubChords |
false | #21042 | |
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Pair accidentals on seconds | keepAccidentalSecondsTogether |
false | #21042 | |
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Align accidentals on offset octaves | alignOffsetOctaveAccidentals |
false | #21042 | |
Beams - Beam style | frenchStyleBeams |
false | true = "French" style beams | #21126 |
Text styles - Pedal - Musical symbols scale | pedalMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #20934 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Dot size | fretDotSpatiumSize |
0.5sp | #23381 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Nut line thickness | fretNutThickness |
0.3sp | #23381 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Fret number - Format | fretUseCustomSuffix |
Number only / Custom suffix | matches previous behaviour | #23381 |
Fretboard diagrams - Fret number - Custom suffix | fretCustomSuffix |
"fr" | #23381 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Barré appearance | barreAppearanceSlur |
Line / Slur | matches previous behaviour | #23381 |
Fretboard diagrams - Barré line thickness | barreLineWidth |
0.85sp | #23381 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Show fingerings | fretShowFingerings |
false | #23381 | |
Fretboard diagrams - Fretboard style | fretStyleExtended |
Trimmed / Extended | differs from previous behaviour | #23381 |
Barlines - Use double barlines before key signatures | keySigCourtesyBarlineMode |
Always / Never / Only before courtesy key signatures | matches previous behaviour | #21188 |
Barlines - Use double barlines before time signatures | timeSigCourtesyBarlineMode |
Always / Never / Only before courtesy time signatures | matches previous behaviour | #21188 |
Score - Instrument names - On first system of sections | firstSystemInstNameVisibility |
Long name / Short name / Hide | #22550 | |
Score - Instrument names - On subsequent system | subsSystemInstNameVisibility |
Long name / Short name / Hide | #22550 | |
Slurs & ties - Ties - Line thickness at end | tieEndWidth |
0.05sp | #20693 | |
Slurs & ties - Ties - Line thickness middle | tieMidWidth |
0.21sp | #20693 | |
Slurs & ties - Ties - Dotted line thickness | tieDottedWidth |
0.10sp | #20693 | |
Slurs & ties - Ties - Autoplace min. distance | tieMinDistance |
0.50sp | #20693 | |
Text styles - Ottava - Musical symbols scale | ottavaMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #20934 | |
Text styles - Tuplet - Musical symbols scale | tupletMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #20934 | |
Text styles - Tuplet - Use musical symbols font for tuplet numbers | tupletUseSymbols |
false | #20934 | |
skylineMinHorizontalClearance |
0.25sp | #23046 | ||
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Position | dynamicsHairpinVoiceBasedPlacement |
Based on voice / Above / Below | #22622 | |
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Center on grand staff instruments automatically | dynamicsHairpinsAutoCenterOnGrandStaff |
true | #22622 | |
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Place above the staff on vocal instruments | dynamicsHairpinsAboveForVocalStaves |
true | #22622 | |
Text styles - Harp pedal diagram - Musical symbols scale | harpPedalDiagramMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #20934 | |
measureNumberMinDistance |
0.5sp | #23743 | ||
mmRestRangeMinDistance |
0.5sp | #23743 | ||
Text styles - Fretboard diagram fingering | fretDiagramFingering* |
(6pt FreeSans) | #23381 | |
Text styles - Fretboard diagram fret number | fretDiagramFretNumber* |
(6pt FreeSans) | #23381 | |
Text styles - Repeat text left / right - Musical symbols scale | repeatsMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #21758 | |
Text styles - Copyright | copyright* |
(9pt Edwin) | #23475 | |
Text styles - Page number | pageNumber* |
(11pt Edwin Bold) | #23475 | |
tabFretPadding |
0.1sp | #22860 | ||
dummyMusicalSymbolsScale |
100% | #20934 |
To fix typos and inconsistencies.
Old XML Name | New XML name |
minSpreadSpread |
minStaffSpread |
maxSpreadSpread |
maxStaffSpread |
hairpinWidth |
hairpinLineWidth |
chordSymbolPosAbove |
chordSymbolAPosAbove |
chordSymbolPosBelow |
chordSymbolAPosBelow |
measureNumberAllStaffs |
measureNumberAllStaves |
ArpeggioNoteDistance |
arpeggioNoteDistance |
ArpeggioAccidentalDistance |
arpeggioAccidentalDistance |
ArpeggioAccidentalDistanceMin |
arpeggioAccidentalDistanceMin |
ArpeggioLineWidth |
arpeggioLineWidth |
ArpeggioHookLen |
arpeggioHookLen |
ArpeggioHiddenInStdIfTab |
arpeggioHiddenInStdIfTab |
headerSlurTieDistance |
headerToLineStartDistance |
tremoloStrokeStyle |
tremoloStyle |
measureNumberOffset |
measureNumberPosAbove |
measureNumberPosAbove |
mmRestRangePosAbove |
measureNumberPosBelow |
mmRestRangePosBelow |
systemFontFace |
systemTextFontFace |
system* (System text style settings) |
systemText* |
staff* (Staff text style settings) |
staffText* |