Manifest - musescore/MuseScore GitHub Wiki

Extension manifest

In progress

Each extension must contain a manifest.json file. This is what is searched for to detect the extension and obtain information about it.


    "uri": "musescore://extensions/colornotes",
    "type": "macros",
    "title": "Color Notes",
    "description": "This plugin colors notes in the selection depending on their pitch as per the Boomwhackers convention",
    "category": "color-notes",
    "thumbnail": "color_notes.png",
    "version":  "3.5",
    "vendor": "Muse"
    "ui_context": "Any",
    "apiversion": 1,

    "main": "main.js"
  • uri (required) - This is the extension identifier, used to call it. It must be unique and follow the pattern: musescore://extensions/extensions_name
  • type (required) - Type of extension
    • macros - extension without user interface
    • form - extension with user interface
    • complex - extension consisting of several forms or forms and macros
  • title (required) - Title of extension
  • description (required) - Description of extension
  • category (optional)- Category of extension
  • thumbnail (optional) - Thumbnail of extension. PNG format is supported.
  • version (optional) - Version of extension.
  • vendor (optional) - About the author
  • ui_context (optional) - The context in which the extension is available
    • ProjectOpened (default) - Project (score) open
    • Any - always available
  • apiversion (optional)- required api version
    • 1 - api of old plugins, deprecated, don't use this for new extensions
    • 2 (default) - actual api
  • main (required) - Main entry point, .js or .qml file



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