Magic - munnellg/OfMagesAndMagic GitHub Wiki


There are five core elements in Of Mages and Magic:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Thunder
  • Ice

Each element has two strengths and two weaknesses as shown in the table below:

Element Strengths Weaknesses
Fire Thunder, Ice Water, Earth, Fire
Water Fire, Earth Fire, Earth, Water
Earth Fire, Thunder Water, Ice, Earth
Thunder Ice, Water Fire, Earth, Thunder
Ice Water, Earth Fire, Thunder, Ice

Note that in this instance, "weakness" simply means that a mage will only do half damage to their opponent. It does not neccessarily mean that the enemy will do double damage back. Hence every element is weak against itself, but it is not strong against itself.

Teams of students should pick their mage elements carefully to ensure that there is a good balance of strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to effectively combat enemy teams.


For each element a mage has a number of spells which they may choose to learn. A mage can know up to four spells from their chosen element. There are several different types of spells.

Attack spells will target either a single enemy or a group of enemies and deal damage to them that is relative to the power of the spell, attack stat of the caster and defense stat of the target.

Power attacks are like normal attacks except that the mage who casts them will sustain some damage from the rebound of the spell. It's costly, but can be useful if your goal is to beat your opponents in the early rounds.

Every attack spell also has a critical hit probability associated with it. If a spell gets a critical hit, then the amount of damage it does is doubled.

Stat attacks can either boost or reduce your enemy's stats. Stats can only go so high or so low and the growth is a percentage of your initial stat. So, for example, it's not always a good idea to start with an extremly low attack stat and then try to boost it to an extremely high degree.

Lastly there is healing magic. This is a specialization of the water mage. Only this class of mage is capable of restoring the health of their allies throughout the battle.

Fire Mage Spells


Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob.
Fireball Single 40 100 10
Drop Mixtape Single 60 100 6
Lava Storm Single 50 100 8
Flame Wave Group 20 100 2
Blazing Salvo Group 15 100 4

Power Attacks

Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob. Rebound
Backdraft Single 90 100 4 50

Stat Attacks

Name Stat Effect Power
Solar Blaze Attack Boost 1
Unmake Attack Reduce 1

Water Mage Spells


Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob.
Power Swirl Single 40 100 10
Sting of Neptune Single 60 100 6
Water Jet Single 50 100 8
Riptide Group 20 100 2
Tidal Wave Group 15 100 4

Power Attacks

Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob. Rebound
Monsoon Single 90 100 4 50

Special Attacks

Name Description
Absorb Reduce target's health and use it to replenish your own
Healing Wave Restore 20 Health points to target

Earth Mage Spells


Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob.
Stalactite Drop Single 40 100 10
Bassault Single 60 100 6
Rock Smash Single 50 100 8
Landslide Group 20 100 2
Earthquake Group 15 100 4

Power Attacks

Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob. Rebound
Fracture Single 90 100 4 50

Stat Attacks

Name Stat Effect Power
Granite Armour Defense Boost 1
Quicksand Speed Reduce 1

Thunder Mage Spells


Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob.
Jolt Single 40 100 10
Lightning Blade Single 60 100 6
Lava Storm Single 50 100 8
Flame Wave Group 20 100 2
Blazing Salvo Group 15 100 4

Power Attacks

Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob. Rebound
Voltage Slam Single 90 100 4 50

Stat Attacks

Name Stat Effect Power
Charge Speed Boost 1
Shattering Bolt Defense Reduce 1

Ice Mage Spells


Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob.
Chill Strike Single 40 100 10
Frostbite Single 60 100 6
Ice Breaker Single 50 100 8
Glacier Group 20 100 2
Blizzard Group 15 100 4

Power Attacks

Name Type Power Accuracy Crit. Hit Prob. Rebound
Frost Storm Single 90 100 4 50

Stat Attacks

Name Stat Effect Power
Ice Wall Attack Boost 1
Ice Cage Attack Reduce 1

Creating Your Own Spells and Elements

Spell and element definitions are contained in the data/magic/magic.xml file. By editing this file you can change the element strength/weakness configurations, manipulate the power, accuracy and effects of spells or even create your own spells and elements for the game (although this would require you to also provide your own animations. Otherwise the game won't know what to draw on screen).

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