Installing On Standalone Machine - munki/munki GitHub Wiki

NOTE: These instructions are no longer current and are considered deprecated. This document remains for historical reasons only. For instructions on setting up a demonstration Munki server and client, see DemonstrationSetup

These instructions describe how to install and configure Munki to work on a single machine (tested with Mac OS X 10.6.2 Client). For demonstration purposes, we'll be deploying Firefox. This is useful for testing, but is not recommended for production use.

Server Setup

  1. Turn on Web Sharing
  2. Check System Preferences -> Sharing -> Web Sharing
  3. Download and install Munki Package
  4. Create server directory structure
  5. Open
  6. cd
  7. mkdir Sites/munki Sites/munki/catalogs Sites/munki/manifests Sites/munki/pkgs Sites/munki/pkgsinfo
  8. Copy Firefox disk image to Sites/munki/pkgs
  9. Give webserver permission to read disk image
  10. `chmod 644 Sites/munki/pkgs/[1. Create pkginfo file for package
  11. /usr/local/munki/makepkginfo Sites/munki/pkgs/[NAME_OF_DISK_IMAGE](NAME_OF_DISK_IMAGE]) > Sites/munki/pkgsinfo/[1. Create catalog
  12. /usr/local/munki/makecatalogs Sites/munki
  13. Create a testing manifest at Sites/munki/manifests/testing. (Be careful about the name of the manifest file -- for this example we're naming it "testing" with no filename extension.) 3a18f66e57c114e5d5346e2ff484c45e

Client Setup

  1. Edit /Library/Preferences/!ManagedInstalls.plist
  2. Set !ClientIdentifier to testing
  3. Set SoftwareRepoURL to http://localhost/~USERNAME/munki where USERNAME is the short name of your user account.

It might be easiest to use the defaults command for this:

defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls ClientIdentifier testing
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls SoftwareRepoURL http://localhost/~USERNAME/munki

Running the Client Tools

  1. sudo /usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate - or -
  2. Launch /Applications/Utilities/Managed Software

Updating Software

==On the Server==

  1. Copy new version of Firefox disk image to Sites/munki/pkgs
  2. Create pkginfo file for new package
  3. /usr/local/munki/makepkginfo ~/Sites/munki/pkgs/[NAME_OF_DISK_IMAGE](NAME_OF_DISK_IMAGE].pkginfo) > ~/Sites/munki/pkgsinfo/[NAME_OF_DISK_IMAGE].pkginfo`
  4. Create catalog
  5. /usr/local/munki/makecatalogs ~/Sites/munki ==On the Client==
  6. Launch /Applications/Utilities/Managed Software

More info

For a more in-depth introduction to Munki, see these !MacTech articles: